All newbie/starter entry level DSLR information

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Re: suggest a entry level DSLR..

adder said:
newbie show girls may give u a pose,it worked for me,when i was shooting some pictures of cars in a car expo some 3years ago.they stand away from the car only after u have taken the picture:P.only works if u have a DSLR or a DSLR look like the fujifilm s100fs or s200fs.

lol.... :D

dumb blondes :bleh:
Re: suggest a entry level DSLR..

multi said:
how about Panasonic Lumix FZ 35/38 :ashamed:

It aint a DSLR. Its another point and shoot cam with better zoom range and good manual controls too.
Re: suggest a entry level DSLR..

ok guys i have short listed following three camera's

1) Olympus E-520 Dual kit lens -- around 36k

2) Nikon D3000 with kit lens -- around 28k

3) Canon EOS 1000D with kit lens -- around 24k
Olympus looks very tempting since it is coming with 2 kit lenses which will satisfy needs for atleast a few years, also heard very good reviews about olympus.

Nikon looks good, but future lens upgrades are too costly.

Canon EOS 1000D, doesn't come with IS lens :( otherwise would have gone for it for sure.

I am not looks at Grey market, going the proper way.

Any info on Olympus E-520 guys ? how good is it ?
Re: suggest a entry level DSLR..

Could you describe your requirements better, like what sort of nature photography,
would that be landscape shots or wildlife birds etc.
Re: suggest a entry level DSLR..

it will be landscape.

One more thing is i dont aim to become professional photographer.

I am just an enthusiast and hobbyist.
Re: suggest a entry level DSLR..

1000d will come with IS if u buy grey!

1000d will come with IS if u buy grey! infact i suggest u skip kitlens and buy tamron 17-50 with it instead.
Re: suggest a entry level DSLR..

^ Get Canon 1000D. Even non IS lens are not that bad. IS is mandatory for tele zooms not for 18-55mm range.
Re: suggest a entry level DSLR..

Get a prime lens.

You will thank yourself for the amazing pics a prime lense can get you.

A canon EF-S 50mm 1.8f will be great.
Re: suggest a entry level DSLR..

a little OT question : Is getting cams from grey recommended ??? Wat PnS cameras ?? Is buying from grey a viable option (coz that way i can get a much better camera than my budget). How much will FZ28/35 cost from grey market ??

Edit: Dont know wat i was thinking :P. I meant "Wat bout PnS Cameras ?? You people are recommending getting a DSLR from grey market, will it be the same for PnS camera ??? 20-21 is still expensive as FZ28 retails for 24k with 3 year warranty. Which is the best cam (with or without bill) i can get in 10-12k with Good Picture Quality/Zoom/Good Video Recording as main priorities (just as a casual shutterbug). I will be buying in 1-2 months from now (will have to save money for that:P) ..
Re: suggest a entry level DSLR..

^ PnS means Point and Shoot, that means you don't have to worry about various settings associated with DSLR's and lenses that it comprises.

Yes getting from Grey is cheaper but getting local warranty is always good. You can get FZ28 for 20-21k.
Re: suggest a entry level DSLR..

^^ Lol, EVERY DSLR has an Auto mode that allows you to point your camera and shoot ! Many people who have DSLRs actually use this mode. :)
Re: suggest a entry level DSLR..

i suggest grey cos as with all electronics, nothing happens to it while in warranty, the day warranty expires next day boom!

but in rare cases ur cam might stop working during warranty!
Re: suggest a entry level DSLR..

My EOS 650 which is nearly two decades young functions perfectly, though not being used for long, being a film camera. My Coolpix 5700 bought in 2002/03 stopped working after 3 years and it was found that the CCD is gone. Both were bought gray since cameras were not sold with bill during those times.
Re: suggest a entry level DSLR..

I would recommend a Nikon D60, thanks to the D3000 it has been officially discontinued and you can get a reasonable deal. I happen to own one... plus 4 lenses from 10-200mm besides my Olympus E 520. D60 is a great beginner's camera and u will really learn the serious bits of photography in capable hands. It beats a PSC anyday.
Re: suggest a entry level DSLR..

nightwing892001 said:
I would recommend a Nikon D60, thanks to the D3000 it has been officially discontinued and you can get a reasonable deal. I happen to own one... plus 4 lenses from 10-200mm besides my Olympus E 520. D60 is a great beginner's camera and u will really learn the serious bits of photography in capable hands. It beats a PSC anyday.

i second that!!
Re: suggest a entry level DSLR..

Just brought a Canon 500D yesterday from GK Vale, exclusive canon store at Brigade Towers for a friend. cost 46.5k with bill and two year warranty(pretty kool na??) canon is also providing a carry case (after on line registration) hope that helps
Re: suggest a entry level DSLR..

^^^ I am still waiting for that carry case? :(

Takes too long.

GK Vale is costly, you could have tried at photocircle.

Anyway congrats, have fun :).
Re: suggest a entry level DSLR..

BF1983 said:
^^ Lol, EVERY DSLR has an Auto mode that allows you to point your camera and shoot ! Many people who have DSLRs actually use this mode. :)

What I meant was if you intend to use only Auto Mode then DSLR in not perfect for you. :)
Re: suggest a entry level DSLR..

mh09ad5578 said:
Just brought a Canon 500D yesterday from GK Vale, exclusive canon store at Brigade Towers for a friend. cost 46.5k with bill and two year warranty(pretty kool na??) canon is also providing a carry case (after on line registration) hope that helps

dude, u should have asked here before buying

G.K.Vale is very pricey!
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