All newbie/starter entry level DSLR information

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The Canon 500D has great image quality man! I live with 2 other photography enthusiasts who shoot with a Nikon D90 and a Canon 500D. :)

The reviews on the internet will scare you but trust me, the 500D will rock your world with its resolution and low-noise!
which dslr should i buy

nikon d3000 or canon 1000d

budget max 30k

i will be buying from kolkata

the purpose for the dslr is for my euro trip...

the camera should be user friendly and in auto mode it should take good pics incase i need it....
Well the OP is at a shop and is asking how good the Olympus E510 is, hes getting a sprangly used E510 with 14-40 and 40-100 lens for 25k

so this for 25k or canon 500d with 18-55 for 43 with B/W?
^ I would advise 500D without any doubts. You get a lot better cam with HD movie capability, better viewfinder and sensor and lots of lenses to choose from.

Also he will get Canon Edge benefits if he gets with B/W.
^^ The 500D is a better camera for sure. But thats like 10k more with just the kit lens. Here the OP is getting a camera + kit lens + telezoom lens for just 25k. Thats a damm good deal.

How many lenses do you think he is going to use ? All he needs is a fast prime lens and he is set.
^ Well its a damn good deal but if he can spend around 45k then i would suggest getting D5000/500D.

Just my 2c.
Ok no more doubts..

I got the 500D... Thanks all guys for inputs

All 500D critiques don't post here :P and spoil my party
@OP: Thank god you went for the 500D! Congrats man! :)

@BF1983: Yes, that deal "sounds" good but it is actually a very very bad one. You get a new E-520 (which is a marked improvement over the 510) for Rs.25k in the US with both the lenses. And even that is not the best of cameras to start with!

@Sankhadeep: At the 30k point, if you're not TOO serious about photography for the sake of it...I'd suggest you look at a Panasonic FZ35 also or even a Canon SX20 IS. Both of them will give you enough zoom range to cover everything during your Eurotrip.

Otherwise, buy a Canon 1000D for Rs.25k and add a Tamron/Sigma 70-300 lens for another 8k.

As for your exact query:

Canon 1000D
Pros: Liveview, great 10MP low-noise sensor, affordable 50mm prime lens (Rs.5k)
Cons: Horribly small grip, 2.5" screen - most competitors have 3", not the best AF module in the segment, overall "cut-price" product

Nikon D3000
Pros: 3" screen, good handling (grip, AF illuminator, viewfinder)
Cons: No liveview, no AF with most of Nikon's affordable lenses (though 3rd party lenses are easily available now)

Overall, I think you should step into a store and check out the cameras. If you really like a Canon 1000D in the flesh, pick it up. If not, try out the superzooms like Canon SX20 and Panasonic FZ35 as well. :)

Happy hunting!
^^^ Totally agree with you DPayne.

I have a 1000D and grip is the weakest link for people with large hands.

Also AF is not great, infact first thing I did after getting lens was turn the darn AF thing off.

I prefer my intelligence than lens' intelligence when focusing.

i have planned to go for nikon d3000 ...but my query is that how good is the kit lens...will it serve good for everyday usage and also for my trip...
I played with both.

Canon image quality and better high ISO performance won it for me.

So, I have a 1000D plus lenses for canon usually cost a lil lesser than that for Nikon. :-)

I have no issue with grip as I can manage plus I plan more to use it on a monopod and a tripod.

Try out then both.
does the 1000d kit come with IS lens....i spent some time with nikon d3000 and i really liked it...i think it is easier for ultra noobs like me to operate...i agree nikon lenses are costly but nikon d3000 won my heart...
^ Only US version(Rebel XS) comes with IS lens afaik. Canon counterpart includes IS in its kit lens /package termed as VR.
sankhadeep said:
does the 1000d kit come with IS lens....i spent some time with nikon d3000 and i really liked it...i think it is easier for ultra noobs like me to operate...i agree nikon lenses are costly but nikon d3000 won my heart...

No 1000d does not come with IS kit lens.
IS is costly.
If you are serious into photography, get a tripod instead of going for a kit IS lens.
Get a wide angle( Tokina or sigma ) lens or prime, depending on your budget and use.

PS:- Does D3000 kit lens has AF? I think not.

zhopudey said:
AF depends on the lens, right?

Both actually.
It is driven by the body but moving mechanism is in the lens.

@Blufox: Yes man! The Nikon D3000 kitlens has AF. Noone's gonna sell a MF kitted camera in this day and age. :)

The lenses the D3000/5000 do not AF with are the a lot of the older lenses which do not come with AF motor in-lens.
@D Payne : Thanks for correction Payne. :)

I stand corrected as I was guilty of presumptuous judgement based of past experiences.

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