All newbie/starter entry level DSLR information

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Im thinking of buying Kata DC-445

Is it worth it ? i have canon 550d with two lenses and i'll be buying 1 more in a couple of months plus speedlight if money is available.
got my new 1000d.. and default kit lens.. and without IS T_T

anyways here are some of the pics i clicked..[the links below]

giv comments

and yes i need to buy a lens.. i think i wud go for 50mm 1.8f coz good ergonomics.. and better suggestion.. third party or something...


leviathan you got some great shots there with great depth of field, I am sure with the 50mm 1.8f you will have a blast!
Hey Guys, I was just checking out the pricing of different DSLR cameras and found that Canon 450D costs as much as Nikon D5000. I failed to understand why? If I am not wrong, 450D is not very different from 1000D but still 10k more expensive.

Could someone point out the reason for it?
I know that 450D is better than 1000D. My question was about what are those major differences that make it that expensive?Also, Nikon D5000 has video capability and 450D doesnt.

Did that already and that is how I know of the differences. Bu then they seem kinda minor to me. The major ones were the screen size and MP count. Not sure if I missed to something thats very prominent. I was thinking of maybe buying a DSLR for myself and hence wanted to know about what makes 450D to be priced at D5000 mark.
harish_21_10 said:
I know that 450D is better than 1000D. My question was about what are those major differences that make it that expensive?Also, Nikon D5000 has video capability and 450D doesnt.
Its just like today 80GB hdd is only few bucks cheaper than 160GB HDD, in spite of the fact that 160GB is double the capacity...

450D is much older than D5000.. and barely available now...

however, 450D has considerable advantage over 1000D.. like better live view, grip, VF, spot metering.. but yes, 450D becomes short before D5000

however, another point is when D5k launched it was priced 45k.. but 450D (whose update D500 came sooner with D5k) remained consistent in the price..

That kinda makes sense I guess. Just that I have seen people recommending 450D to new buyers and but dint really get around the price of it. Maybe a used 450D would be a better option over new 1000D.

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Guys, I have pretty much decided to get a DSLR and came across a couple of them from Hyderabad itself.

1.Canon 450D Body only - 17k

2.Sony Alpha A330 with 18-55mm kit lens - 20k

I need your advice on how to choose a used DSLR and which one would be a better option?

I am still looking, but for the time being these two are the options.
harish_21_10 said:

Guys, I have pretty much decided to get a DSLR and came across a couple of them from Hyderabad itself.

1.Canon 450D Body only - 17k

2.Sony Alpha A330 with 18-55mm kit lens - 20k

I need your advice on how to choose a used DSLR and which one would be a better option?

I am still looking, but for the time being these two are the options. me with this.
So Sony has put out a notice stating that the A55/A33 tend to overheat when doing video for more than 20 minutes.
Something to watch out for.
m-jeri said:

Get the 450D... if its not too old and worn out.. coz 17k.. is a hefty price.

What do u think the cost should be?

And its a body only, so will have to find a lens too. Which one would be a good choice and how much?

Also, the seller has a Canon 55-250mm lens that he is willing to sell for 7k. Hows this lens?

Why not Sony?

Dunno.. how old is the body? shutter count?. condition?.. but yeah i guess good 450D are hard to come by.. so too much haggling will also cause to lose deal.

but if u can get both the lens and cam for around say 21~23k.. it be a nice deal. provided the body and lens and in good condition.

that lens is a great addon.. but i guess ull lose out on macro.. i think ..:S

sony.. i know only one person who got this.. so not much of idea of the brand. guess minolta lens'es are a great vfm option for this.
harish_21_10 said:
What do u think the cost should be?

And its a body only, so will have to find a lens too. Which one would be a good choice and how much?

Also, the seller has a Canon 55-250mm lens that he is willing to sell for 7k. Hows this lens?

Why not Sony?
if you dont go for the 55-250 lens please let me know i am in market looking for those lens
m-jeri said:

Dunno.. how old is the body? shutter count?. condition?.. but yeah i guess good 450D are hard to come by.. so too much haggling will also cause to lose deal.

but if u can get both the lens and cam for around say 21~23k.. it be a nice deal. provided the body and lens and in good condition.
The 450D body is 10months old and so is the lens. Shutter count of 8k and he says everything is in mint condition.
His asking price is 24k with the lens, 55-250mm.

m-jeri said:
that lens is a great addon.. but i guess ull lose out on macro.. i think ..:S
I was wondering if I should be getting this particular lens from him or buy a 18-55mm lens instead. Reason being that it will be equivalent to 88-400mm and hence no wide angle or even a normal eye perpective view. What say?

m-jeri said:
sony.. i know only one person who got this.. so not much of idea of the brand. guess minolta lens'es are a great vfm option for this.
I did quite a lot of reading about the Sony Alpha A330 yesterday and the camera seemed pretty good.
-Both live view and view finder AF were pretty quick.
-Has inbuilt IS
-Tilting screen, not sure if I would use it much tough.
-Nice looking interface

-ISO performance not at par.
-Burst mode not fast. I wonder if I should be bothered about this.
-It being Sony means limited used lenses in the market.

Another thing, I have got large hands and wanted to know about how the 450D grips?

yea..ur lose out on few if u get ONLY that lens. say get a 50mm later.. ull be set for some time..

Actually ur third con is the only positive i saw in sony when i was in the market for one. it can use a huge amount of old minolta lenses' subject to availability.

price is bit high for 450D+55-250 lens in 24k.. coz a new 1000D with kit lens comes to 22.5k something.. yea 450D is better package :).

Its all upto you mate.. get the price dropped by say 2~3k.. it be a best entry to dslr world.. coz its very much better than a stock 1000D

but i wouldn't want to lose the deal either.. so its torn between the 2 i guess... :S
Will try and use the two at some store and see which one feels more comfortable. Would also get the final quote from both the sellers and finalize.

Anyone else here using Sony A330?

rishabh.asthana said:
if you dont go for the 55-250 lens please let me know i am in market looking for those lens

Will drop you a msg if the deal doesnt go through.

Aces170 said:
If the 55-250 is an IS lens, its well worth the price...

Will check on that too.
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