All newbie/starter entry level DSLR information

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^^for a D3000/d5000

55-200mm af-s exists , and is cheap at 9-10k (no matter what body, this is what you would buy)

50mm prime without focus motor is for 5-6k (D90 and above)

35mm prime af-s is for 12-13k (D3000/5000/3100)

If you are going to stick to this kit, a D3000/5000 would suffice

My suggestion is that if you wish to buy more than 2 lenses, you should probably go straight for a D90 since you will save a lot of cash.

The more prime and macro lenses that you go into, the more cash you lose for AF-S.

And since we are stepping up a price range, you can check out the equivalent canon models as well. :)
abione1 said:
heyy guys yesterday I went to buy the eos 1000D, but I thought I should take the feel of it before I take the plunge. I was very excited about the camera, reading a zillion reviews beforehand and have been saving up for about six months.

but, to my horror, the moment I held the camera, I felt very just didn't feel right, the grip was way too small for my taste and the texture was just not right.. So I thought wait a sec. Thats not right. Then i thought i must see how the D3000 feels and well, as soon as I held, it felt like an extension of my arm.. I don't know whether you guys notice this, i really loved the D3000 for all it was, then I tried D5000 and it felt only better. Confused as I was i thought to myself, it's about time I returned to the forum.

now lack of live view,video doesn't bother me much, but lack of an Auto Focus motor is what concerns me.. i wan't to ask you guys if buying the af-s lens is going to cost me much more than what the regular ef-s lens without motors will cost in canon? As of now the only lenses i can see myself buying in near future isa 50mm prime, 55-250mm tele zoom and maybe a 300mm prime(much later).. Could guys please tell me how much should I be expecting to spend more, when I am thinking of autofocus in the ranges since all of them will have to be with internal autofocus motors.

and is buying the nikon a good decision?

P.S. With the advent of D3100 i'm only more confused.
I personally would suggest you to go for the Nikon D90, if you have been saving for six months then why not save for another 3 and get a camera on which every lens acts as a AF as the camera comes with a Built-in motor for AF. Once you invest in this camera (Body only or with kit) you can enjoy taking photographs irrespective of the lens you choose.

I own one and its great. Secondly waiting another 3 months will give you an advantage to have a look at the latest D3100, This offering is even better then the D5000 in terms of video & sensor.

Say will be that you go in for D90 kit or else wait in for the D3100.
Buying a body with AF motor or without AF motor depends upon the lens you are planning to buy in next 2 yrs atleast..

telling the lenses plan in future will make it easy to help..
well i will be buying a 55-200mm zoom for the least... a 300mm prime is on the cards as well(birds_), and a 50mm prime for the portraits. more or less this exactly what I will buy... it will cover a good focal range and also do most of the stuff i'm into.

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though i really do think i will be satisfied with a D5000. to me it seems precisely what i need. yes, D90 would be much better but i would like to spend on lenses...what i'm thinking really is the amount that differs in the initial buy, will that be made up for in the lenses by the D90??
^^ take for example the 50m prime

AF-D 50mm f1.8 for d90- 120$

AF-D 50mm f1.4 for d90- 330$

AF-S 50mm f1.4 (f1.8 doesnot exist in af-s) 440$

looks like the 300mm prime exists only in af-s version, so that would be the same lens for both cases.
@ _pappu_ just the 50mm, covers up for the diff... I guess i will go for the D90. also better controls.

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also could you guys tell me the street price for d90 KIT 18-55 AS WELL AS KIT 18-105? WITH AND WITHOUT WARRANTY?

how good is the 6 month warranty from smart shoppers??..

why only 6 months when other dealers give 1 year
I also have a similary query.

A DSLR... kit lens.. maybe perhaps a 15" laptop. backpack
^^ for that, everyone recommends the kata DR467i , which is around $80

i'll be getting one of those myself in december. I will have space for cam + 3-4 lenses, laptop, and leftover space for normal stuff.. plenty of reviews around
Do check in specs which size laptop gets in the bag U choose... these idiots just write the availability of laptop storage but later ends up holding a thin 14" lappy :P
i use a lowepro fastpack 350 for 3 lenses and my lappie. its a good option if you want to be able to take out the camera from the bag while its still on your shoulders. another good option is the kata 3n1 series.. look for the 3n1-21 or 3n1-31, but these are way more expensive than the lowepro fastpack. just to clarify, all these are backpacks. the only drawback that i regularly find with my lowepro is the lack of a raincover.
got used canon 28-105mm USM and sigma 70-300mm DG lens..had to buy it as a package and the cost was 7k..sigma is absolutely wonderful to work with canon one is a big disappointment no matter what i do images comes out, out of focus and the way i use Kata A43U Prism U backpack and it has sufficient space for my 3 lens (one attached to the camera) and my 10.1" netbook though it can also accommodate 14"
vb86 said:
i use a lowepro fastpack 350 for 3 lenses and my lappie. its a good option if you want to be able to take out the camera from the bag while its still on your shoulders. another good option is the kata 3n1 series.. look for the 3n1-21 or 3n1-31, but these are way more expensive than the lowepro fastpack. just to clarify, all these are backpacks. the only drawback that i regularly find with my lowepro is the lack of a raincover.
I guess Kata 3N1 series sling cum backpack.. could be adjusted as per need of your and duration of holding the bag on back..

3N1-22 will be a decent option.. 33 can hold 2 DSLR.. so might not be a big need and expensive affair..

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-Guevara- said:
Canon edge gives U a similar bag for free of cost..:P

kata DR467i or kata DR467 ??


from jjmehta? i thght of getting that sigma alone first.... but then thght 55-250 serves me best
jeri yah bought these from a gentleman on JJMehta's forum the 70-300mm gives really nice sharp shots and the added macro functionality is a boon
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