Linux Amarok 2 - Whats wrong with audio & linux?

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Enclave Plus
do the folks in charge of running the show suffer from huge bouts of masochism?

First it was pulseaudio. They had a working audio backend, and replaced with an *all new* backend which was a load of fail. All new is great, but if it doesnt work, its useless :|

I had gotten over that fiasco , when suddenly I find myself stuck with this abomination called amarok 2. Its predecessor was pure awesomeness. IT was like someone had created a player, JUST FOR ME, it felt JUST RIGHT.

and now whoever is in charge, decided to (yay!) redo the whole thing, and dump every single thing I liked in 1.4.

The amarok description says

Amarok is the media player with an intuitive interface. Amarok makes playing the music you love easier than ever before - and looks good doing it.

Intuitive? Hah! Maybe for Da Vinci, but i doubt if even he could figure out this clusterf*ck

EDIT: as i was typing this out, i found this

Amarok 1.4 in Jaunty, Please? (Plus BONUS Amarok2 Rant!) - Ubuntu Forums

and it seems somene has decided to fork it :clap:

Pana Audio Player
well actually I found most of the KDE apps being changed so drastically a.k.a improved that after a while its boring to use half baked software :@
finally, sat all day and compiled pana 1.4 from source after installing all its dependencies. feels soo fooking happy :D :D
what makes me puzzled is, they take stuff that works, replace it with bleeding edge/but buggy&incomplete stuff, in what is supposed to be a stable linux release :|
kde folks tend to use stable release numbers for early releases. like kde 4.0 was clearly a developer/tester release yet the number caused many regular users to try it and then form a bad impression of it... same for amarok2 i guess (which i dont use)
oh yeah, KDE4. I remember. screwed up my ubuntu install so bad i was fixing stuff for months after in uninstalled it. Should have known :ashamed:
nah, am running alsa right now. was talking about (forgot which distro it was) which introduced pulseaudio as default , and i had to suffer it for a few months before i found out how to disable it :P
i tried installing the deb for pana, but it had some issues installing, and even after, wouldnt start. Not sure about the one you had posted :ashamed:
Being lazy I figured I should get a short name. And it better not be too close to Amarok as to cause confusion. Knowing Amarok is some kind of inuit god I went to a list of inuit gods and tried to pick one. “Pana was the god who cared for souls in the underworld before they were reincarnated” made me laugh, so after a quick check to see that another program wasn't using the name already, I started using it.

Did not know inuits believed in reincarnation !
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