In that case, i totally stand by the mods' opinion. Even now he's trolling some threads posting the very same question 3 times in succession.
All this despite of many warnings he has received so far. and u n me very well know how he had behaved in that thread of his.. asking the same questions repeatedly without giving a rat's ass to all the suggestions u guys had made.. Everyone's patience has a limit. Hope u get what i mean..
hardboy, have patience, wait for a while or a day till ur questions are answered. Use ur common sense and do some searching urself, instead of asking mindless question over n over again. Yes, a genuine query becomes mindless if u keep asking the very same thing again n again. Also, if u have a problem and a soultion has been suggested, TAKE HEED OF THAT SOLUTION and give it a try rather than coming up with a brand new theory of how U think the problem could have a different cause.
else a permanent ban is what u shall earn