PC Peripherals Amd 3500 not much availability in delhi

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I plan to buy the new comp(except graphic card which will either be retained or rma'd) after about 19-20 days.

How do I buy the amd 3500 winchester if I want to ?
Is there any hope?

Also,the techtree.com prices state the price of amd 3200 939 as 11750 and that of amd 3500 939 as 14800.

It has to be availalbe some where.
but won't the venice take too long to be available and won't it be highly priced that time.

also, i think just one or two days back i phoned the amd far east end i think the one in dleih and they didn't have the 3500 winchester infact at that point of time they probably didn't have 3200 winchester either but newcastle for 9800.
that is too steep.

edited becuase had just made small mistakes.
Aces170 said:
^^ Well I dont blame him ? Why did you lock the thread

:null: :null:

I did??

@ Hardboy: even the winchester 3000+ are in short supply.. and btw, what mobo do u plan to go with?
In that case, i totally stand by the mods' opinion. Even now he's trolling some threads posting the very same question 3 times in succession.

All this despite of many warnings he has received so far. and u n me very well know how he had behaved in that thread of his.. asking the same questions repeatedly without giving a rat's ass to all the suggestions u guys had made.. Everyone's patience has a limit. Hope u get what i mean..

hardboy, have patience, wait for a while or a day till ur questions are answered. Use ur common sense and do some searching urself, instead of asking mindless question over n over again. Yes, a genuine query becomes mindless if u keep asking the very same thing again n again. Also, if u have a problem and a soultion has been suggested, TAKE HEED OF THAT SOLUTION and give it a try rather than coming up with a brand new theory of how U think the problem could have a different cause.

else a permanent ban is what u shall earn
I am sure I posted here ? Was it deleted.

Nonethless good fer ya Hardboy, do post a review for the same.
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