AMD 6000 series graphics cards

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is that legit site, can you vouch for it. i mean did you ever purchase anything from that site?
No I cannot vouch for them but that site is the authorized dealer of other brands too. I checked a few products in official sites in the past and they mentioned that gamesncomps site in their authorized dealer list. Why don't you call them up and ask?
If I remember correctly they also stocked some RTX 3x series.
Good research even I am searching out for a build and most guys on Elite gamer community are selling with a combo
Is that a fb group? Can you post the deals which they are offering?
And what combo specifically? Because many of the so-called deals and discounts given by retailers in India are crap and the products too. I've been checking them regularly. So check out individual prices too. Amazon offers best deals.
Prime is currently doing a "sale"
primelolsale download.png
The link is:
Don't get fooled by the %. See the actual prices.

You know, I contacted a major online retailer for a full PC purchase and they said the best deal they could do for me was 1% off. 1%! Like wtf?
my friend was telling me yesterday that we have to wait til q3 this year for the supply chain to get back to normal.
Lol they must have realized that they can get away with a shit ton of profit. Or got new stock at higher rates.
I just got this msg on Twitter. You guys want? :P
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Everyone talking about Nvidia 3xxx series and the struggle of buying those cards but no one talks about AMD, Is it because that these cards never ever show up in the market/online?
Everyone talking about Nvidia 3xxx series and the struggle of buying those cards but no one talks about AMD, Is it because that these cards never ever show up in the market/online?
Of late, I am seeing more availability of AMD cards compared to Nvidia, albeit at scalper prices. The amd cards aren't great for mining so there isn't much demand.
What about gamers prospective if anyone is getting a card that is equivalent to 3 series and he can actually buy, unless selling prices are too much and one would hold to buy nvidia anyways. Personally if I remember correctly I haven't used AMD since 7950 days and my reason have always been availability/price comparison. If both cards are available at same rate with same performance then I would pick nvidia over AMD
AMD is notorious for high prices in India so I think that must be one of the reasons why people don't care so much. Also Nvidia has more fans and much better marketing. How many AMD ads have you seen and how many people online on social media have you come across talking about AMD GPU's? The social media presence for AMD is very lacking I feel. Meanwhile Nvidia also seem to do some heavy sponsorship compared to AMD.
Let's also not forget Zotac warranty. 2+3 years warranty is unmatchable!
Guys, why is AMD running short with Supply. They are a big blunder when it comes to mining especially the RX6000 Series. Performs same as the RX5700.
Nvidia I understand has a way better hashrate. Or Miners wants to mine with any shit GPU they can get their hands on. 95k for a RX6800 XT is too high. I think the trend will be like this for the entire 2021.
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