Amnesia: The Dark Descent - Discussion Thread

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It has been a long time since a really scary title has come up since the Doom 3 and FEAR days. And seems like this game lives up to all the expectations. No weapons though.

It has got some very favourable reviews around. IGN gave it a 8.5, Metacritic gave it a 83/100 and so forth.

Anyone tried it yet? Allwyn, did you? What's your take if you have. :)
Nope haven't tried it yet. To be honest, I was pre-occupied with the inductions and training related stuff at my new job. Hence my backlog has got a slight elevation. H.A.W.X 2 is still pending completion, Gaylo: Reach has taken a side seat & Ninety Nine Nights 2 just got its European release, so that will take preference, once I’m done with H.A.W.X 2. I’ll have to check a few gameplay videos of Amnesia. I have no idea what this game is all about.
Will add this on my "to play" list F.E.A.R is an absolute favourite of mine so hopefully this can be good as well.

edit-Will get it on steam should there be an offer on it , screenshots looked nice , seems it will have a nice dark atmosphere perfect to play in the dark :D
If Gannu thinks that this is worth putting in the leagues of "Doom3" and "F.E.A.R" for the scared-my-pants-off factor, then I gotta put this in my Must-Try-it-Out list. :)
^hey I haven't tried it yet. :P

But yeah, at least if the reviewers say so, I think it's worth a try. :)
It is the scariest game to come out in the last 5 years on any platform according to the reviews. Thats saying something, since the only game I felt was somewhat scary was Fatal Frame II.
Just installed and played it for a few minutes. Had to stop the session since a lot of background noise is going on due to Ganapati preparations. Will try it tomorrow perhaps and post a better view.
Bluffmaster said:
It is the scariest game to come out in the last 5 years on any platform according to the reviews. Thats saying something, since the only game I felt was somewhat scary was Fatal Frame II.
Not a game for me then... :D
^The thing about games like Dead space and resident evil is that they are hack n slash horror games and not true survival horror. The tension really rises when you have no weapon to defend yourself. Perfect example of this would be the Fatal Frame series. Although you still had a camera which acted as a weapon, the feel of the gameplay was totally different than any other hack n slash horror title.
stalker said:
Have you tried Dead Space yet?

Me currently playing it on my PC. Fricking scary!
Nope! :ashamed:

Will definitely do that. Thanks for the headsup. :)
Bluffmaster said:
^The thing about games like Dead space and resident evil is that they are hack n slash horror games and not true survival horror. The tension really rises when you have no weapon to defend yourself. Perfect example of this would be the Fatal Frame series. Although you still had a camera which acted as a weapon, the feel of the gameplay was totally different than any other hack n slash horror title.
Not necessarily. Resident Evil has plenty of spook factor. Resident Evil 4 had actually incorporated stop and shoot mechanism, which means you had to run for your life when you faced a horde. The atmosphere and sound effects really stood out in making it a excellent survival horror game. Same goes for Silent Hill series. Silent Hill was focussed more on the psychological horror aspect. It used a great combination of foggy environments with creepy ass enemies. The weapon scarcity in the game made it even more compelling. Dead Space, on the other hand, was more of a Doom III type jack-out-of-the-box scary. So everyone has a different definition of what horror is to them. ;)
Bluffmaster said:
^The thing about games like Dead space and resident evil is that they are hack n slash horror games and not true survival horror. The tension really rises when you have no weapon to defend yourself. Perfect example of this would be the Fatal Frame series. Although you still had a camera which acted as a weapon, the feel of the gameplay was totally different than any other hack n slash horror title.
Hack'n'slash horror? WTH is that? AKAIF Hack,n,slash means games like DMC. :S

R4 and R5 were survival and SH5 Homecoming was the scariest horror game i ever played.Melee weapons against bad guys brings out the true aspect of horror and it was immensly difficult . And i loved dead space because of the concept of space and the weapons were just unique and kick-ass.
^He essentially meant games such as Doom 3, Q4, etc wherein some zombie pops out of nowhere and bang bang and he's dead. Not referring to the hack-n-slash genre per se. TBH I didn't find Resident Evil 5 all that scary though. The zombies were designed to be scary perhaps.

Doom 3 was scary. I still recollect the moments when the pinky bangs through the walls of one of the labs. And when the 2 hell-knights appear throwing away the scientist at Delta Labs 4. Christ, I had never faced such monsters before, back then! :fear:
I played through couple of levels from Amnesia. yet to encounter a creature or whatevever. I had laid down penumbra the first time I saw the dog. It scared the shit outta me that I never bothered to try rest of the series.
Fact is...Games like Amnesia rely on your weakness and immersion- absense of hud/gun and distortion effects to scare you...not the sudden jerks, ugly monsters or silly scares. You just feel safe to be in that well lit room and never want to venture out...That feeling is amazing. I for one will never complete Amnesia...that for sure :)

For those who want something scary but with a gun, I would recommend Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth and Undying.
^Great! So it sure is scary. :D

I should be trying it out today since I am done with Mafia 2 probably by evening - on Level 14 ATM. :P
Desecrator said:
TBH I didn't find Resident Evil 5 all that scary though. The zombies were designed to be scary perhaps.

I was talking about RE4. RE5 can be tagged as an outright action title.
sajitsm said:
For those who want something scary but with a gun, I would recommend Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth and Undying.

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth was awesome. I'm still not sure why I left the game mid-way back when I got my rig. May be I got involved in some other game. Nevertheless, the game was a complete mind-f*ck.
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