An Indian forum on Tablet PC and Smartphones

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Staff member

Started off a new forum a few days back which aims to deal with Tablet PC, Smartphones, eBook Readers, Mobile OS and Mobile Apps. Some of the regulars who are passionate about these subjects are already there and participating heavily.

There were two prime reasons to start this as a separate forum

· There is no good Indian forum which deals with this subject.

· TE is broad in scope and content, discussions on these subjects comprise only about 3-5% of the total. The focus or segregation that can be achieved on a dedicated forum will be impossible to achieve here.

So please come over, join and participate in the discussions. If you feel you know someone who would be passionate about this, then invite them over too. :)

PS: We are also hoping to build a community of users who are either into mobile app development or want to start off. So if you know someone who fits in either of the two groups and is willing to share his experience, knowledge and ideas then pull them over to UMC.
ragzdiablo said:

It would be great if you could put a link on the TE home page.

All in good time :) There is still so much left to implement on UMC. Maybe by the end of this month when everything is hopefully in place.
Eh really? Well can you post in the feedback section there and mention the threads which do not open with possibly a screenshot. Don't want to make this a troubleshooting thread. :P
AsidXxx said:
^^Signed up :) But no subsection on Motorola smartphones?

Waiting for more threads on the same.

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CeDrIc said:
This site doesnt open at my workplace. Damn Websense :@

Strange. Even my firm uses websense but it is not blocked. Can you mention the category under which it is blocked? Will try to fix something accordingly.
Congrats Renu..! I hope your forum would help me make an educated choice when I'm ready to spend on a tablet this year end. :) All the best.
^waht was your post about ? anything against rules ???

@renegade - me already there and started iOS dev thread :)

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edit - space - got it.

and new name, Renu :rofl:
Its mentioned in the quotes.

and i just expressed my views on the peculiar behaviour. No msg regarding removal of post.. no reason.. simply pruning cuz i has the mod power.
Peculiar and a sore mod i must say.

behaviour certainly reminded me of those sites which distributes goodies to increase footfalls. And we have sr member doing the same here.

btw w.e happened to the pm which used to mention removal of posts and that no need to reply to this automated msg..?
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