An Open Letter to Mr.Vinod of

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Managing Director,
Cyber Space Abacus Pvt Ltd
1/7 2nd Street Venus Colony,
Alwarpet, Chennai,
TamilNadu, INDIA.

Dear Sir,
On 14/2/2006 I had placed an order for Antec Titan 550 PC Case vide: order no: 10671, dt: 14/2/06. for Rs. 6381/-

Product description Quantity Price
Antec Titan 550 1 6,381.00
Subtotal: 6,381.00

The Product details had clearly mentioned that the case includes the Antec TP2 550W power supply. And the packing list clearly mentioned about it.
Below is the original and authentic packing list from your site. (which has been changed Since)

Subsequently I had received a confirmation reply from you the contents of which is as follows….
Dear ******,

We thank you for your order, # 10671, placed on on 14/02/2006. We hope you had an enjoyable experience shopping on our store.

We have now started processing your order. An email giving details of the shipment will be sent to you as soon as we ship out the items in your order. Meanwhile you can also track the progress of this order by clicking on theTrack Your Pending Orders link on the My Account page. Click here to view the details of your order.

We sincerely thank you for shopping at and we look forward to having you shop with us regularly.

Warm regards,
Theitdepot Customer Service

Shop at
The Hardware Peopleâ€
Since my order was accepted by you, I had promptly sold my existing Antec TP2 550W,
Which I had purchased from your Mumbai dealer a few months back, to a friend of mine for Rs. 5500/- (His sworn affidavit I can forward it to you)

The next morning I had emailed you for confirmation of packing list as I wanted to get an idea about the total package weight since I had to install this “server case†at our factory premises which is about 200 kms from Mumbai.

I was shocked to receive this reply from you.
“Dear Sir,

We are sorry for the inconveinence caused to you. Antec Titan 550 , Indian edition doesn't come with a Power supply , which has to be bought extra. Customer Service team

The Hardware Peopleâ€

When I had placed my order and after receiving your confirmatory email of it there was no mention of “Indian edition†in the product details of the said purchased item. In fact it was nearly an exact Cut & Paste from the parent co. Antec USA Website.
It is only after my placing of the order and my subsequent email re: reconfirmation about the packing list that you have changed the product description and packing list. This is about roughly 16 ~ 24 hours after I had placed my order and ur confirmation.

Now please reply to the following.

1)It is an accepted practice worldwide by nearly all the major online shops to honour their prices and commitments irrespective of the errors and mistakes on the published data on their site, since they are well aware that the purchaser might have further commitments / plans for the products, as I have explained above regarding my sale of TP2 550 Watts psu. Are you going to honour your commitments? Or are you of the opinion that “Customer Satisfaction†is secondary to the income / profit (loss) of the company??

2)By the way it was Crazy_Eddy (whom you know very well) who had pointed out this “Great Deal†to us.
Apparently one more senior member of TE had ordered this case and there were at least 5 members present along with us as witness.

3)Don’t you have a policy of at least thanking your customers who point out glaring errors and mistakes on your online shopping website? Some in their own sweet way …Instead of doing this you have disabled my registered a/c on your website (as of writing this letter) (attempts to erase all trace of this transaction it seems, or it could be that your authentication server is down ….) and hurriedly changed the product descriptions.

With warm regards,
Oh Man...that's horrible to say the least............

“Customer Satisfaction” is secondary to the income / profit (loss) of the company??

I wonder what makes people forget that no business can grow til they keep their customer satisfied....

This is Espcially true of the IT enthusiast community which tends to be so very closely knit....

The story of 1 bad experience can spread like wildfire and companies like Antec, that specifically cater to this community cannot afford to screw-up this badly....
Well the other guy was me... I needed a PSU urgently. So I bought this deal as well and unfortunately I was told the next day the same thing what deejay heard from them. Hence I bought an antec NeoHE 500W that very day from their site. The PSU was delivered today. So full marks to them on that. However the PSU didn't have shrink wrapping on the box and the power connector seemed to be worn out. I'm suspecting this was used as a demo PSU. Also I can't send any feedback as my account seems to have been blocked for god knows what reason :\. I'm rather dissatisfied and would definitely think twice before buying another product.
oooohh..... that is terrible. I admire you DJ for having written such a nice. "sweet" letter. I would not be able to control myself if something like this happened.

I think that at this time, ITdepot should at least give you a TP2.0 550. I mean, even after this, you may never shop with them again(they having lost all the goodwill they had with you), but at least to try to cover uop the folly, they should do something.

And worst of all, if they really have tried to cover yheir @$$es by disabling your account, then it is downright pathetic. And we TE members will be the most disappointed as we had such a close relationship with them.

This is really sad.... Does not give me any confidence to shop with Itdepot.
Well its besides the point but the offer was "too good to be true" when we were discussing it on msn chat the night you ordered; since a tp 2.0 550w itself costs around 7k. Also think it would be wrong to involve eddy in this since all he did was point out to the page before he left. He never recommended it iirc. Anyways all the best..............
thanks god u guys posted this here .... i was planning to do some shopping there for one of my fren i think old way of shopping will be much better
@blade --- While you have a point, if ITDepot were saying something like that on their site, they have to honour their commitment.

A buyer would have assumed it is a promotional offer or something.

I mean, common sense tells me that it is too good to be true. But if they have said that on their website, they better honour it. Whose fault is it that their website was wrong?? Why should I(in this case DJ) suffer for it??
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Nikhil said:
Does not give me any confidence to shop with Itdepot.

dont jump the gun so fast.. lets wait for ITDepot's side of the story.. n read point 3 in DJ's post..

@ DJ: its really sad to hear what happened to u bro.. i have dealt with them b4 (once).. and my experience was nice.. am waiting for their explanation/clarification..
Nikhil said:
@blade --- While you have a point, if ITDepot were saying something like that on their site, they have to honour their commitment.
true but why drag eddy in.. he just pointed us to the link. he isnt associated with itdepot in anyway right ? :)
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deejay, you are rightly miffed at itdepot, if they had found a problem or error in transaction due to negligence on their part, then they were duty bound to atleast send you a regret mail on how they botched up with typos/mis info etc.

They could have honestly asked you for your feedback on how to approach the transaction now, maybe then and there you would have sorted out the problem with them.

Instead of that they surreptiously close your account, not even acknowledge their mistake and completely put the transacion under carpet is just bad business, they also very well knew that you are TE member and frankly this kind of treatment is totally uncalled for.

Anyways, i just hope they have mighty good explanation for this and also the senior guys at itdepot are not aware of this.

So, did they refund back the money your cc, assuming you paid by cc.
Well... I for one will not be with Dj on this... Yes it seems like he has been duped but come on guys...

This is the first company who listened to us enthusisats...

They listened to us TE...

They brought DFI on our request...

They invited us for DFI launch...

They even tried the Techenclave Fest which was postponed due to some issues

but still... And now they have come up with a site where they are selling stuff online... There are bound to be mistakes... After all we all are humans... Also its a well known fact that the market prices for the cabby + PSU is a lot more then that...

On a lighter note I am amazed it wasnt posted in TE Hot deals section... Cause Dj is the first person to spot best of prices and bring them to public... Bad Dj :P...

Still i beleive that ITDEPOT should look into this matter... I realize that DJ has sold off his PSU so ITDEPOT people should keep that in mind while talking a decision... But i am speaking of general and not DJ specifically... What if somebody had posted it on the forums and like 1000's of guys would have ordered... That makes it a huge loss... Even the law states that company has a right to return the payment... You can't do anything more then that...
Well... I for one will not be with Dj on this... Yes it seems like he has been duped but come on guys...

This is the first company who listened to us enthusisats...

They listened to us TE...

They brought DFI on our request...

They invited us for DFI launch...

They even tried the Techenclave Fest which was postponed due to some issues

They did all of that coz they know their target market, and they have to listen to one of the strongest communities within it.....

Techenclave may not be of mucch value to a Seagate India or an Intel India, but for companies like Antec/DFI etc, their customer base is a niche one, where the Techenclave community fits in like a T...So all that they did (and most likely will keep doing) was good, but we have no reason to be indebted to them.....


but still... And now they have come up with a site where they are selling stuff online... There are bound to be mistakes... After all we all are humans... Also its a well known fact that the market prices for the cabby + PSU is a lot more then that...

It is a internationally accpted procedure that if a retailer goofs up on facts before the sale, he has to honor it once the sale is through....

To draw a brick & Mortar store parallel, if a store sells me something worth a 1000 rs for 500 because they goofed up on the price labels, they can't force me to return a part of it the next best they can request me to....

SO if they screwed up at their end, they had all the time in the world to have corrected it till ..till...the charged Deejay's card for it....and once that was done, they have to honor the committment....

If that isn't possible, they should ayt least refund DJ's money in lieu of the cabinet, and pay for the shiping charges etc. but they can't send out a note like the one they sent to DJ
No abhi... I actaully know of a similarr thing happening in US with 6800U PCIe cards where they marked the card for $50 instead of $500 and there were like 1000's of orders for it... They ended up refunding money... It was there in [H] forum... I can dig up the thread for you all guys if you want to but will be a real pain :P...

ITDEPOT is not a online store... We all know it... They just made it online now... Instead of giving them support pulling thier leg will not be a right way to go... You only said they did it for thier potential market... Well why dont you think of this ways... Why only they did it... Why not others...

Lets be practical... ITDEPOT ppl would not have designed the site... They would have hired a professional... And they would have paid him... Now do you really think ITDEPOT should be at fault if the desigening ppl screwed it somewhere... I dont think so... We all know that they are computer generated replies what we get after placing the order...

I am not saying that Dj is wrong... I am just trying to say even ITDEPOT is not wrong... Though the problem is there at there end, and they should compensate Dj with something or the other ;)...
Wich is why they should at least be willing to refund DJs money + SHipping instead of saying this

“Dear Sir,

We are sorry for the inconveinence caused to you. Antec Titan 550 , Indian edition doesn't come with a Power supply , which has to be bought extra. Customer Service team

The Hardware People”
Deejay, did you write to them in person regarding this matter and what they are gona do about it?

I mean i would like to know about that.

I mean this letter should be mailed to them in email, not here.

But anyway, users should know what happened but always wait for the official reply after you complain about unsatisfying purchase. Did they declined to refund? Because you could always ask for full refund including the credit card charges (service tax ) and they are liable to refund that money as mistake was made on their side. But i dont think there is a need to make such huge issue out of it at this moment.

If they decline refund then it will be different story.
TheMask said:
dont jump the gun so fast.. lets wait for ITDepot's side of the story.. n read point 3 in DJ's post..

@ DJ: its really sad to hear what happened to u bro.. i have dealt with them b4 (once).. and my experience was nice.. am waiting for their explanation/clarification..
i too have dealt with them before...very nice ppl to deal awesome pricing from them..sorry to hear abt this deejay
Guys i would have forgotten about the matter had for some strange reason my a/c was not disabled /blocked or a simple one liner received from them admitting their mistake. anyways i am still hopeful of receivng my purchased product since i have heard good things about itdepot people from senior members here and after all this is MY India. here somethings or concepts take time but ultimately it works somehow ....thats the beauty of it.
1) @ blade, i have not dragged eddy into this. only mentioned that he had pointed out this "Great Deal". he never asked us to buy it or forced us to even consider about it. Crazy_Eddy has being doing some great work in promoting the products of the co. in the past and with his effort we have a very good relations with itdepot people. why would i want to spoil it for this small but important matter. I only mentioned his name because he is well known to Mr. Vinod / ITDepot people and by doing so they would realise the genuineness of my / (our) purchases.
thats all. what makes you think i am "dragging" him into all this.?
2) I had selected the payment by cheque / DD purchase method. CC i had purposely not used since getting the refund would have meant blocking my meagre funds for a good number of days ....but i had made arrangements for the money to be paid in cash in chennai the moment they would have reconfirmed the packing list items.(thanks to one helpful member in chennai.)
who lives a stone's throw away from their office.

3) I do not want any compensation per se. i am not cribbing about anything monetary in nature. i will manage and get along with life as i have done so till now...but what made me sad was the way my(our) a/c was disabled suddenly for no fault of mine the customers cannot be expected to create a seperate a/c everytime they plan to make a purchase.?? , also there is the important question of honouring ones commitments. online shopping is based on trust and customer satisfaction. what is offered for sale should be honoured is my may of thinking.....BTW...i have yet to receive any reply to my original purchase order nullifying it......they have only replied to my subsequent query regarding the packing list only.

4) There is no need for members to post that they will not buy in future from the site etc.. it is a new site and hence will take time to stabilize but they should have a "QC" system in place especially with regards to pricing and product details, even i have not mentioned anything about not purchasing from them in future etc...infact if their prices are within my budget i would do so. my true intentions were to point out this "Caveat emptor".
Members are well adviced to kindly recheck / reconfirm their product details before they part with their money since who knows what form or type their "Indian Edition" of products would be.
Also the members are adviced not to negotiate / sell their existing products cheaply thinking you will definitely get that much coveted deal inspite of conformation of order. only on actual receipt of the products they should plan their future course of action.
deejay said:
1) @ blade, i have not dragged eddy into this. only mentioned that he had pointed out this "Great Deal". he never asked us to buy it or forced us to even consider about it. Crazy_Eddy has being doing some great work in promoting the products of the co. in the past and with his effort we have a very good relations with itdepot people. why would i want to spoil it for this small but important matter. I only mentioned his name because he is well known to Mr. Vinod / ITDepot people and by doing so they would realise the genuineness of my / (our) purchases.
thats all. what makes you think i am "dragging" him into all this.?
No what i meant was mentioning eddys name wouldn't do you or the to the matter at hand any good. Its unlikely he would want to get involved in this. Anyways have you written to them about the refund ? Have they denied the refund ?
Blade_Runner said:
No what i meant was mentioning eddys name wouldn't do you or the to the matter at hand any good. Its unlikely he would want to get involved in this. Anyways have you written to them about the refund ? Have they denied the refund ?

What refund ?? only if they are willing to honour their commitments will i be sending the money. i am not so rich to blindly send money without reconforming in such matters. the issue is not of refunds , money etc.... but about honouring one's commitments. i am sure if i had not enquired about the packing list the next day before sending the payment then the original product description would still be there on the itdepot website. now i know a member who was cursing me for not telling him about this deal...he said he would have bought 10 of the product immediately..... imagine what would have happen if he had presold those and was waiting for delivery ? and this member is the most popular guy on TE and has dealt with them before too.
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