Android - Serious SMS problem / defect - All deleted!!

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It is my misfortune that I have now come across a major problem with Android phones. The other day while reading a new message on my HTC Desire, the OS decided to delete all my SMS messages (hundreds and thousands of them) for no rhyme or reason, and with no error message or anything. Just poof... Gone! Googling it, I have found that this is a problem that people have experienced all around the world, on all sorts of Android devices, and many people have experienced it multiple times even after factory resets.

Anyway long story short, there is no solution for it from Google so far (apparently the problem has been reported at least as far back as early this year).

So just thought I would warn other android users here - if you value your SMS messages, back them up!! There are a number of apps - SMS backup & restore (free) and Mybackuppro (paid) - that seem promising.

This is seriously shite on part of Google, and the Desire being my business phone, you can imagine how critical it was to have my messages. HTC Sync unfortunately is a terrible software that only syncs contacts and calendar entries with Outlook, and there is no way (AFAIK) to take a complete backup of your phone and/or of SMS messages via HTC Sync.

p.s. This is the link to the issue posted at Google:
MyPhoneExplorer used to be an incredible program that I used to use with Sony Ericsson phones. It has been recently updated to support the Xperia range and other Android phones. You might want to give that program a shot ....
i always used sms backup which backs up all to preferred google account.

but never experienced the deletion of all msgs.

have you checked 'auto delete' after a certain time period? it is checked by default on may phones. you can access it under settings in sms.
^ That's the weird thing. It's actually off by default, and this has been confirmed by several posts in the thread I linked to. I checked on my phone too, and auto-delete was off. But there is something interesting about the fact that most people seem to be reporting that they had hundreds and thousands of SMS messages when it happened. So I would guess that it has something to do with size.

Anyway thought I would post it here so that others can protect themselves.

i used sms backup and auto sync for contacts when i had android. i never have to worry about any of important info on phone anymore.

the bad part is that i stored no contact on SIM and now i have to check for contant on gmail and then dial from crappy fone. i have become so dependant on phone.. must resist until Nexus S is out..
I never had any such problem with my Desire or the Milestone or the Galaxy Spica.....

But neway, even if I lose my messages, nothing is lost..... Only my contacts are extremely valuable. But again, I always keep my contacts in my Windows address book as well.

Thanx for the info anyway.....

@ madnav: Lol at ur new signature..... That is always the case with me as well whenever I book a new car/bike!!! :P
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