Anime better than Naruto

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escaflowne said:
dude have u ever watched samurai x ???????? its definitely not for girls....:@ :@

^^ i second that:P, coz i remember my so called gf screaming at seeing the Movie : Rurouni Kenshin - OVA - Trust and Betrayal @ the very first scene:P

@ evilution i agree with the fillers part, it was insane:S
Saiyan said:
^^ i second that:P, coz i remember my so called gf screaming at seeing the Movie : Rurouni Kenshin - OVA - Trust and Betrayal @ the very first scene:P

whats the name of ur so called GF ???/ DEEPA:bleh: :bleh: :bleh: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
girls *sigh*

dont let them watch elfen lied...theyll leave you

must make them watch kimi ga nozumu ein and ai yori aoshi...overflowing with romance and all that sh1t :p
I don't usually watch anime but I did love Avatar : The Last Airbender/The Legend Of Aang although I wouldn't call it anime but if you guys are looking for a good show which is story driven and has a lot of character development with some great action then this is it.
If you are looking for some anime with funk , its Samurai Champloo . it is one of the greatest . if its Mystical things that intrest you , you cant go wrong with Bleach .

Some good anime's are Full Metal Alchemist , Basilisk and Black cat .

read my signature ...naruto Fillers over in 2 months , Yahoo!!!!
Quad said:
Watched few DBZ episodes but didnt find it intersting than Naruto.

Give it another shot from the first episode. You're missing out on the anime that pioneered the word 'Anime' worldwide :P
Avataar is an American made Anime. It is currently the most watched cartoon series in US, Naruto is ranked at number two. Avataar is still in its second season and unlike Naruto which releases every week, Avataar releases every 2 weeks. So there will be only 26 episodes per year. I belive that there are 5 books to be covered, and every season is based on one book. Every season is 20 episodes, so one can expect another 2 years+ before the series end.

I kinda find this boring.....Instead I will wait and then watch all at one go.

Naruto is currently at episode 214 and 219 supposly will be the last filler after which it will resume its story based on Manga. There will be a timeshift.......the new Naruto starts in Feb 2006 and the series will be called Naruto Hurricane Chronicles.

The name change format is similar to Dragon Ball series, where it is DB-Z and DB-GT. DBZ is currently no where near to todays standards, if you see Naruto or any other good anime before DBZ, then you wont like DBZ. But, one is forgetting that DB started the Fighting Anime Kraze......similar to 36 Chamber of Shaolin.......One can easily say that Dragon Ball is the inspiration to all the fighting anime made afterwards.

Just for kicks, the first epsiode of Dragon Ball was aired over 25 years ago. It was mind blowing during that time.
Has Deathnote been mentioned in this thread? Its my fav mindless fighting and powerups and jitsus..instead u will find one genius pitted against another in a battle of the wits. The manga is complete and two live-action motion pictures are out. The anime has recently started with 11 episodes released till date.
Yeah forgot to mention DeathNote, its one damn cool anime i have seen, thanks to smith :).

@Quad watch Death Note, you'll like it:D
evilution said:
The name change format is similar to Dragon Ball series, where it is DB-Z and DB-GT. DBZ is currently no where near to todays standards, if you see Naruto or any other good anime before DBZ, then you wont like DBZ. But, one is forgetting that DB started the Fighting Anime Kraze......similar to 36 Chamber of Shaolin.......One can easily say that Dragon Ball is the inspiration to all the fighting anime made afterwards.

Just for kicks, the first epsiode of Dragon Ball was aired over 25 years ago. It was mind blowing during that time.

True. DBZ was the first anime to include time travel, alternate universe, ki blasts, powerups and transformations, it was like the first everything.

its old now. DBZ started airing in 1990 and finished by 1995 in Japan!!
evilution said:
Avataar is an American made Anime. It is currently the most watched cartoon series in US, Naruto is ranked at number two. Avataar is still in its second season and unlike Naruto which releases every week, Avataar releases every 2 weeks. So there will be only 26 episodes per year. I belive that there are 5 books to be covered, and every season is based on one book. Every season is 20 episodes, so one can expect another 2 years+ before the series end.

I kinda find this boring.....Instead I will wait and then watch all at one go.

As I said I would not call Avatar anime but it has certain anime influences.

Avatar has finished its second season, third season is due next year but we do not have a date yet. As for books the original creators intended for there to be 3 but there is speculation of that being extended.

Avatar is far more interesting than of the other anime I have ever seen.Naruto is absolute junk.
Has anyone seen Monster here? It's the best I have seen in a LONG time. Probably not for the dbz/naruto crowd but for people wanting something different and something you'll have to put some thought into, it's a MUST.

Other MUST WATCH animes (you have to watch these):


Kenshin (upto the end of kyoto arc, avoid the later eps like a plague)


Hajime no ippo (not much talked about but every bit as good as the others)
monster is great

no super heros, no super powers, no nothing

just a deranged genius and a doctor racked by guilt and a mysterious past are needed for a good story

ive watched hajime no ippo twice including all the manga, 40 somthing volumes out if im not wrong...same with berserk

no votes for one piece yet? [do not watch the tv 4kids version please!]

heres a list of some of the stuff i have burnt on dvds if anyones interested

Animestan :: View topic - The "Post Your Anime Collection" Thread
In 1997 i watched a series called Ninku...quite liked it. Liked Samurai Champloo very much...Naruto is kind of kiddish but still enjoyable!
The rurouni kenshin anime is a goddamn joke compared to the manga.

Trust me, rurouni kenshin manga >>>> anything else on the planet.

Next comes Berserk, but it's a manga since 1984 and only 30 or so volumes have been released and still going on......btw it's an 18+ manga :P
my favs anime series uptil now







i recommend all of u to watch deathnote(12 eps released so far) and beck(26 eps total).
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