PC Peripherals Annoying problem with speakers

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Just discovered, my speakers (MX 5021) emit a small sputter every 5 sec or so. Not very loud, even present when soundcard line out and optical (which runs to my DAC/headphone setup) are both muted.
Tried everything - DC all connects, reconnect - nothing. Then discovered, that quite amazingly, the sound stopped, when my washing machine in the adjacent washroom stopped spinning. So this happens when the washing machine is on, but not at all with other electricals like mixer, AC etc

Possible solution? It's a small thing, since I use the machine once a week for 3-4 hours, but still.
I'm really surprised you still use them :D

This is not uncommon and in the long run, not much you can do. If you are totally unwilling to live with it you have to be able to isolate the supplies from each other (isolation transformer). Sometimes this is due to a ground loop, but usually because of motors spewing spikes into the household supply. Some are worse than others.
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