Need recommendations on a gaming machine Im tryin to put together in 2nd week of Feb.
Budget :- 50K (no speakers, monitor,keyboard, optical drive .. using old ones)
Use :- Gamin... GTA4...anything else that catchs my fancy in the next two yrs...
Monitor LG 22" (has only VGA no DVI
Other points :
1. Dont wanna OC at all. (Nothing against OCs, im sure Im not gonna have the time to fiddle around so much)
2. No KMD\US stuff... am extremely finiky on warranty after a fried Sapphire ATI 9600XT 4 yrs ago which i had to throw out
3. Location Mumbai...wil prolly buy frm Prime and have it assembled as well...(laugh away u techies...
... short on time here as wel..)
My config so far...
Mobo : ASUS P5Q-E (10900)
I Mite use crossfire after say two yrs so was looking at E. But absolutely DO NOT need overclockin. Any cheaper Mobos (n stable too) that any1 could point out??
CPU : Q9550 (15350)
Its a toss up between Q8200\Q6600\Q9550
the 9550 gives a 30% performance inc at around 5000 Rs more... inputs ??
Any pointers on the exact cost of the Q8200\Q6600??
RAM - I have been quoted Transcend (3050 X 2) for 4 GB
Case - Coolermaster Mystique 632S (cost, any1??)
anything else recommended?? Am definitely not big on looks. Its gonna be hidden away anywayz...
SMPS - CORSAIR 450W (4100) - Will it drive the 4870\260\280\crossfire(when i get another gpu in 2 yrs) fine?
Gfx - ATI 4870 (16900) (what other options do I have, Im ready to splurge here.... upto 22k)
HD - Hav plenty of external disk space... need a real fast HD space of even a 160 GB would be adequate....
Mouse.... no idea whts in these days... hav a wireless one, but know i should get a better one when im spendin so much...
So there... pls pour in with your valuable suggestions ....
Need recommendations on a gaming machine Im tryin to put together in 2nd week of Feb.
Budget :- 50K (no speakers, monitor,keyboard, optical drive .. using old ones)
Use :- Gamin... GTA4...anything else that catchs my fancy in the next two yrs...
Monitor LG 22" (has only VGA no DVI

Other points :
1. Dont wanna OC at all. (Nothing against OCs, im sure Im not gonna have the time to fiddle around so much)
2. No KMD\US stuff... am extremely finiky on warranty after a fried Sapphire ATI 9600XT 4 yrs ago which i had to throw out

3. Location Mumbai...wil prolly buy frm Prime and have it assembled as well...(laugh away u techies...

My config so far...
Mobo : ASUS P5Q-E (10900)
I Mite use crossfire after say two yrs so was looking at E. But absolutely DO NOT need overclockin. Any cheaper Mobos (n stable too) that any1 could point out??
CPU : Q9550 (15350)
Its a toss up between Q8200\Q6600\Q9550
the 9550 gives a 30% performance inc at around 5000 Rs more... inputs ??
Any pointers on the exact cost of the Q8200\Q6600??
RAM - I have been quoted Transcend (3050 X 2) for 4 GB
Case - Coolermaster Mystique 632S (cost, any1??)
anything else recommended?? Am definitely not big on looks. Its gonna be hidden away anywayz...
SMPS - CORSAIR 450W (4100) - Will it drive the 4870\260\280\crossfire(when i get another gpu in 2 yrs) fine?
Gfx - ATI 4870 (16900) (what other options do I have, Im ready to splurge here.... upto 22k)
HD - Hav plenty of external disk space... need a real fast HD space of even a 160 GB would be adequate....
Mouse.... no idea whts in these days... hav a wireless one, but know i should get a better one when im spendin so much...

So there... pls pour in with your valuable suggestions ....