Oh boo-f****g-hoo.Maybe this is what you'd do. Mr. Baker. 95% of all your attacks have been just speculation/vile assumptions.
I've been on TE for a long time (over a decade), You along with your friends basically low ball, bully anyone else who joins new. You're new here, Immediately bully-bargain, pressurize/throw tantrums and shit-comment on threads to ruin any potential change of a successful sale for a new seller.
And you guys who are now taking moral high ground are the same members from erodov days who,
1) Sold defective RAM sticks and told me "What memory errors, the RAM worked fine in my PC"
2) Sold me a dead X58 motherboard that only booted up once every 10 attempts and told me "Maybe your CPU is faulty
3) Sold me a rusted GPU with stability issues and told me to check my cables, Wow!
When you're the seller, then all morality goes for a toss.
Double standards much?
Don't play this reverse psychology trash, kid.
WOW, A DECADE?! Want a medal?
None of the "attacks" have been speculative. They are a consequence, based on actual evidence, posted right in front of your eyes.
You got scammed on some other website years ago, so you decided to come here and scam as a revenge mission? What're you, a Robin Hood for scammers?
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