Another One Bites The Dust ......


Hi Guys,
QuadMaster just called me up to inform me that he had an accident while riding his bike last night near Juhu area.

His Right leg is fractured alongwith some bruises all over the body.

His three other friends (There were on 2 seperate bikes) have also suffered injuries.

I , on behalf of the entire TE clan, Wish him a speedy and complete Recovery.

I sincerely urge all you Bikers, Kindly take care while riding and adopt the principles of defensive and safe riding / driving.

Here i would like to invite our esteem member Bikestein (When and If he reads this), a very avid and die-hard Biker, to write about these issues and the futility of speeding / carefree driving on populated roads.

Take Care ....
awwww.... too bad....

So Quad, what exactly happened to your leg?? the docs screwed your leg :lol: ?? They screwed mine :p ....

And dont worry man..... These things happen..... Just remain cheerful, follow the jokers club section and you will soon be back on your feet.... I guess since your hand is not broken, you can at least use crutches a little bit.

Take care man..... We are all there for you. I guess the advantage of this would be that we would be seeing more of you.....

And follow the doc's advice properly man..... Have complete trust in the doc and do exactly what he says.....

Take care and get well soon!!!

Oh yeah... and I guess this means you will be tinkering around with your comp more, so can we see some benchies soon?? :eek:hyeah:
too bad...some1 give us details as what happened. 3-4 bikes fall off at once seems to be very serious...

2 days before i fell, one of my classmates on a kari fell too...his right sidewas totally smashed. his jaw came off, right hand fracture, right leg racture. forunately he made it to the exams. said he had to spend 32K odd to make his karizma back as good as new....50K odd at the hospital.

Get well soon :)
Get well soon Quady... IIRC a couple of months ago a female car driver drove over his feet on a red light... Semms like he is having tough time these days with bikes :(...
Hi guys this is quaddys sister
About his current health
He is having a bit of irritation on right side of his face,his right shoulder is also
paining ,right leg is plastered and he is not able to move in the house easily
currently doc advised him bed rest 4 three weeks.Doc has also advised him to take a digital Xray of his right shoulder just 4 precautionary measures.
His 3 frnds are also having body pain but they r fine.

Only the front handle has dislocated from the bike,bikes faring is also fine as
he hit the divider on the front tyre,divider was of the size of bikes front tyre.
rest of the bike is perfect.
Thanks for all your good wishes and i am continously reading all ur replies for him.
Hey Sanket, this is bad news, but I'm glad it isn't worse. Take care man and recover soon. And change your bike for god's sake to you-know-what! (haha kidding :))

SunnyBoi said:
2 days before i fell, one of my classmates on a kari fell too...his right sidewas totally smashed. his jaw came off, right hand fracture, right leg racture.
eesh? His jaw came off? What do you mean? That sounds terrible.
Oh my God ! Did the doc say it is just a simple fracture? Praying thats the case. Thanks for the update.

Can comment better after Quady manages to post his first hand report of the accident.

Wishing Quady and his friends a very speedy and complete recovery :)

@tracer - God help when "that" bike falls on oneself.
Well, Quaddy, I hope you have insurance for your bike and yourself.....

And take care man.... once they have put the cast the pain reduces after a couple of days......... After that, there is no pain but only discomfort knowing you cant move freely....

And take TOTAL rest man...... dont even think of doing anything apart from what doctor says. And I hope you had your helmet on.....

To all the people who ride wtithout helmets ---- You are MORONS!!! :p ....

Anyway keep us posted dude...... And see it this way... after tolerating so much pain, any time in the future if you are in pain, you can always say that it is not as bad as when you borke your leg. :p And see the bright side of things..... once the pain subsides, it is not too bad.... lie back, take it easy, read, surf the net and watch TV all day long..... the others will wait on your hand and foot :p Afterall, that is what families are there for :D