- Expected Price (Rs)
- 600
- Shipping from
- Bangalore
- Item Condition
- 3 out of 5
- Payment Options
- Cash
- Bank Transfer
- Purchase Date
- Jun 3, 2016
- Shipping Charges
- Excluded - at actuals
- Have you provided two pics?
- Yes
- Remaining Warranty Period
- None. Testing warranty of 1 week.
- Invoice Available?
- No
- Reason for Sale
- Not in use
- Product Name: Antec X1 cabinet
- Manufacturer page URL: Amazon link (product unavailable)
- Description: Antec X1 gaming cabinet with transparent side panel, 2 stock Antec intake fans, 1 rear Circle exhaust fan. The cabinet has an option to install additional 2 fans on top. The power button is a bit iffy, I am unable to test it. Can work out a deal/ refund with the buyer if it's a deal-breaker. There is a bit of surface rust outside, not extensive. Can clean with WD40 before delivering. Don't expect the front USB ports to work as there is rust on them. Please PM for any questions.
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