Any Reddit fans here?

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I've been in Reddit [Better than Digg] for quite some time now [Although inactive for the past year] Want to know whether any techenclave guys are active over there? If so, welcome to the India sub-reddit and keep posting more content about our glorious nation.
I never believe forums can be so biased and intolerant.
I happened to praise govt few days back for their COVID19 efforts on r/india
Now I can not access this sub. I can access all other subs but not r/india.
Highly disappointed. Quitting reddit forever.
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I never believe forums can be so biased and intolerant.
I happened to praise govt few days back for their COVID19 efforts on r/india
Now I can not access this sub. I can access all other subs but not r/india.
Highly disappointed. Quitting reddit forever.

I wouldn't quit Reddit just for that. Reddit just might be the best platform for getting a first hand experience on multitudes of situations and products. There are theories floating around that the subreddit's mods are closeted anti indians muslims (no offense to my brothers out there)and would ban you for no conceivable reason. The whole subreddit is full of leftists but that doesn't mean there aren't great indian subreddits out there. I myself spend a fair amount of time browsing r/indiainvestments r/indiadiscussionsr/indiangaming and their discord servers. It's just unfortunate that Randia is the way it is and there's nothing we can do about it. Also, you would be missing out on a lot if you don't browse r/askreddit.
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Reddit is biased and encourages hate: It's sad to see Indians deliberately sowing the seeds of hate and discord just because of a slave mentality towards America. I don't think the white guys are directly involved in administering Reddit's india/ subreddits but certainly a lot of Indians board administrators act quite shadily. Here's an example and it's happened numerous times - you run into problems anytime you try to spread unity:

(so after complaining and posting here they approved that post, but it happens so often and to usually positive-united-india posts, you'd be forgiven for concluding that Reddit was utterly evil! I've often noticed their top ranked posts that are up-voted, often discretely encourage hate and it's all embedded within a feel good, Indian narative which is perfectly true. I offered to fix the buggy bot - let's see if they act transparently and link to src code so that np. issue does not arise again)
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Reddit is biased and encourages hate: It's sad to see Indians deliberately sowing the seeds of hate and discord just because of a slave mentality towards America. I don't think the white guys are directly involved in administering Reddit's india/ subreddits but certainly a lot of Indians board administrators act quite shadily. Here's an example and it's happened numerous times - you run into problems anytime you try to spread unity:
+1 to this comment.. Reddit is no way for light hearted and will change your positive mindset.. Just stay off from that crap.
+1 to this comment.. Reddit is no way for light hearted and will change your positive mindset.. Just stay off from that crap.
Unfortunately, whether you like it or not, reddit paints the right picture of India at the current moment. Our country has gone down the shitter. Yes truth is hard.
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> Unfortunately, whether you like it or not, reddit paints the right picture of India at the current moment.

It's an approximation of truth - after all, Reddit is just a platform for posts - their algorithms aren't unbiased: eg - you have to pay money to reddit to be heard on r/india* I remember when someone gave me some gold - magically all of a sudden, my posts were being seen by a larger number of people on r/india* and all of a sudden rational arguments were being made. The rest of the time I was being trolled no matter what I said on r/India*

This is very different from posting on r/engineering or r/science where Reddit does not filter stuff.

Therefore they are basically blocking/algorithmic-ally sensible discussion as far as foreign countries are concerned: Indians should stop using Reddit and migrate to using USENET instead, ON ALL MATTERS CONCERNING India.

In addition this is cultural appropriation of sorts - Reddit has no qualms about monetizing Indian content - they just don't want us talking sensibly and discussing things, regarding India, that are constructive. The country is in trouble because WE CAN'T TALK SENSIBLY ONLINE about what to do.. (part of the problem)

We need a platform to discuss stuff and form groups and do things.. in that sense I'm pretty glad we have Techenclave which is run by Indians!
> Unfortunately, whether you like it or not, reddit paints the right picture of India at the current moment.

It's an approximation of truth - after all, Reddit is just a platform for posts - their algorithms aren't unbiased: eg - you have to pay money to reddit to be heard on r/india* I remember when someone gave me some gold - magically all of a sudden, my posts were being seen by a larger number of people on r/india* and all of a sudden rational arguments were being made. The rest of the time I was being trolled no matter what I said on r/India*

Nope reddit works on user upvotes. You make a sane comment and it gets upvoted. I've had dozens of my comments upvoted to the top just by writing something sensible.
Stay away from politics/religion especially on intellectual platforms. These platforms always gets hijacked by vested interests.

True but it's not so simple: my dad used to give me that advice as a child - fast forward some time and a big chunk of land in our public playground got encroached and a park to the rear of the house got eaten up and came out of litigation only recently. We are talking of public land worth crores eaten up right in front of the entire upper-middle class.

You have to fight for what is right, in a sensible fashion that provides some hope of a victory. <-- takes a lot of effort and good qualities - you have to be able to co-operate, work as a team, unite around sensible laws that don't cause confusion. Instead our parents tell us to do the very opposite - why? By not indulging in politics/religion (though I am not by nature religious at all) you stay out of society and narrow your social circle to a few friends, and idle conversation that achieves very little (social media).

(btw I just lost a few mangoes from my tree because some "poor" person stole them while I was typing this out - see what I mean? Distancing yourself only works if you can successfully manage the transition to a green card in some other country and join them as the new jew: your life is prosperous till the gas-chambers are quietly built around you.)

Learn from the British middle-class! They form sensible groups with a clear aim and focus and don't indulge in idle gossip (well.. that's relative of course :p - minutes of a meeting are kept) You MUST indulge in politics and religion but ALWAYS WITH A CLEAR AIM - good of the country! (no easy task because of the temptation to pontificate :p)
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You can get good Information from Reddit but there is a lot of misinformation as well. Still, I like Reddit very much!
Well if you consider intellectual platform as battleground then yes, no one is stopping you or anyone. But my main point was that all intellectual platforms are there to learn and outgrow yourself after all. If other side is wasting their time on politics etc then that's their loss isn't it?

The other thing I absolutely hate is that almost all these platforms are now in control of some very rich and powerful folks. Thus forming the narrative like they want it to be. Poor people have 2 choice that is either suck up that narrative or buckle up and fight. The later needs time which sadly no one has in today's age.

That's why your dad said what I said in the beginning.
Well if you consider intellectual platform as battleground then yes, no one is stopping you or anyone. But my main point was that all intellectual platforms are there to learn and outgrow yourself after all. If other side is wasting their time on politics etc then that's their loss isn't it?

Well.. time is meant to be spent on politics, especially in a democracy! It's only wasted when you fail to conduct yourself successfully in politics and that applies to every other field/profession (business, teaching). So one must ask what are the aims of ones small political career: form a group, do public service, help your group prosper sensibly .. anything else?

This is precisely what happened with the encroachment in "Defence Colony"/Bangalore: the rich landlord works with the poor and uses them to enrich himself and shares a fraction of his wealth with them, while army officers and the intellectual class are isolated from the poor.

So what my father should have done was this: taught people English, run a free school on his govt allocated site, not bought a lot of domestic furniture and instead invested in community infrastructure that he controls influences for public good. As for advising his children - best done by example of course BUT he should have encouraged more interaction in volunteering and social service (especially easy and safe when done under his nose in HIS ESTABLISHMENT).

The other thing I absolutely hate is that almost all these platforms are now in control of some very rich and powerful folks.
ah, very true but there is USENET which is free, chaotic and uncontrolled

Poor people have 2 choice that is either suck up that narrative or buckle up and fight. The later needs time which sadly no one has in today's age.
not really, it's more important to fight sensibly! poor people can fight by discussing things amongst themselves, sharing knowledge and doing exactly what my father should have done! You can always do something however feeble to fight back and resist while staying within the law - no point getting yourselves killed stupidly.

So what could a poor person do in a tangible sense: well my parents ran a school eventually, and they hired people.. learn english the language of science! and teach it to others! youtube wasn't availiable back then but you could teach a hobby - farming, or even how to sweep better. (eg: it's much easier to sweep using a long stick tied to a broom)

The trouble arises when people feel injustice and then decide that therefore they will make the world suffer as a consequence.. I mean that we all have flaws so perhaps some people have a difficulty doing this.. even so.. the trick therefore is to form a group that can compensate for your defects. Try to focus on what you are doing wrong.. vs trying to make the world suffer and share your pain - lol
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I never believe forums can be so biased and intolerant.
I happened to praise govt few days back for their COVID19 efforts on r/india
Now I can not access this sub. I can access all other subs but not r/india.
Highly disappointed. Quitting reddit forever.

r/india is a cesspool of pseudoseculars, who's agenda is only to find faults with Modi. There is a whole thread dedicated to praising Rahul Gandhi, but god forbid you say anything supporting the current government. The other Indians have a real choice noun reserved for r/india.
Same happened to me in r/indianfood.
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Shamelessly plugging my sub again - r/Indiamain
Come and talk about anything there. No one talks much there and there's no agenda. No pro BJP or pro Congress posts.
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