1 - Register on PPOBox.com
2 - Calculate an approximate quote using their calculator, if you're okay with it proceed further.
3 - Create a shipment on ppobox.com by filling up the form, make sure all information is accurate. Leave the tracking information right now, come back and fill it up when you receive it. Enter the actual product price here, exclusive of shipping and tax.
4 - Note down the shipment address as provided by the ppobox website, including the unique package id
5 - Buy whatever you want from where ever but when you are entering the shipping address you got from ppobox, remove the 'PPO Box' from the address, just put #(Box number)-(Unique package id)
6 - When your product is shipped, go to the ppobox website and enter tracking information in the form you had filled up earlier. Call their indian helpline to confirm they have the updated information
7 - You'll get a confirmation from ppobox when they receive your package in their NY office. They usually ship it the same day they receive the courier.
8 - When it reaches here, you'll get another email with the actual quote for the shipping, handling, insurance and customs.
9 - Pay this and they'll ship your product to you.
Once they receive your package in their NY office, it usually will reach you in 4-5 days assuming, you pay them the same day you get the quote. Hope this helps