Any senior member from Mumbai ready to represent TE for a product launch today?

TE news update..

17 members just committed suicide. More are expected to follow suit... As soon as they are done with chasing Naveen..

Rocky Pratik isnt alone anymore up there.
Spacescreamer said:
TE news update..

17 members just committed suicide.

Rocky Pratik isnt alone anymore up there.
and allegedly :)P) they are going to haunt Navin his whole life now for supposedly making them wait 6 hours for just a poker set from XFX! (Play Hard)
The mini suitcase looks nice! It will come in handy as a tool box to store cables and screws and all the little things like jumpers,etc. I don't mind taking the briefcase--for all the time madnav made me waste!

Now excuse me guys I need to attend a heavy gaming session with MY REAL 5850!
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# Mephistopheles

# Spacescreamer

# a1cellsolution

# Sudarshan_SMD

# ragzdiablo

# vivacious_tg

# Decan

# sunny27

# CeDrIc

# Shripad

# Ankur

# motorheadinc

# m.khurana

# iprincepankaj

# Striker10

Party's over guys go get some sleep now.

All this for a set of poker chips *sigh
I think for all those times when we've abused Rashi for their lousy service they've got their revenge with a box of poker chips!
have been on this thread the whole day...
just see some poker chips?

im a real juaari...we all are..and we never knew..:p
oh yeah...TE is an informative site..:D
Spacescreamer said:
Voila ..!!

A red card in place of the reps u got ... :mad:

And the caption shd read: Naveen is Ridiculously Lazy + Insensitive + Bugger ..
what lazy re?

i was as quick as i could be..

i cant uploads so many pics of size 3-4MB each:p

and some of them required some photoshoping too :bleh:
EPIC.... I spent all day away from my dissertation for thisss :(

rocky_pratik if you plan on killing the Madnav(in) bugger I am totally game....

Edit: Baaahhh never mind. Needed some reason to get away from the project for some time and this thing was just right :p