Anybody up for COD4 on hamachi?

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lol >> happens... the final match was intresting :P

there are 11 people in the network >> :)

fix up another time...

how about 2morow at 10 in teh night >
IceFusion said:
lol >> happens... the final match was intresting :P
there are 11 people in the network >> :)
fix up another time...
how about 2morow at 10 in teh night >

Yup i was watchin the match too! was awesome..!
Jasku said:
Wen u say good pings they should be less than 200, and yea now I bot the original copy...earlier i played with friends over hamachi...give us the ip's.

@montylee - that Indian server is good!..but it was empty!..wat a pity
Thats the V-Street server right? There were around 8 people playing there after 10PM.
@Monty - Ill try and join tonight too.
ok, i'll post here when i put the server online 2night. Most probably it'll be around 9 pm.

Yesterday i was installing a new CPU cooler so couldn't put up the server at 8 pm. However, i put up the server at 8:30 but nobody joined.

Remember to join my server, u have to join the hamachi network. After that, start the game, press tilde (~) and type "connect ip:28960" where ip is my hamachi ip.
ajex can u upload the low ping servers via a notepad!!!!!

and wats ur xfire ajex??? i ll add u !

mine is iml3g3ndv

and btw ur inbox is full !
vinodfrndz said:
ajex can u upload the low ping servers via a notepad!!!!!

and wats ur xfire ajex??? i ll add u !

mine is iml3g3ndv

and btw ur inbox is full !

added u .. u can see the low ping servers in my favourites ... and add them to urs :)

btw my id is : "ajexfred"
ajex said:
too laggy for me .. having ping of 320-350 :(

ur pings were high but did u face any lag while playing?

and which is the best gameplay mode to play? Yesterday we played Team Deathmatch.
it was wrkin fine for me i was constatntly getting under 70 pings >> i'll get more people in today if you say :)
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