Anyone going for VISA?

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Whow! :O This was entirely unexpected after the kind of abundant generosity they were showering upon all candidates out there. I don't know why they should restrain anyone at this point, but then VOs are supposed to be one of the most quixotic breeds. I hope you did have all the answers ready for such 'why-what-how-long-in-US' questions and did blurt them out well. Can you tell us why she might have been in double minds of granting the VISA?(if its not personal and if its not her ever-famous "mood-swings")

And do not worry. Reapplication will see you through! :)
Lord NeuroDrone said:
Whow! :O This was entirely unexpected after the kind of abundant generosity they were showering upon all candidates out there. I don't know why they should restrain anyone at this point, but then VOs are supposed to be one of the most quixotic breeds. I hope you did have all the answers ready for such 'why-what-how-long-in-US' questions and did blurt them out well. Can you tell us why she might have been in double minds of granting the VISA?(if its not personal and if its not her ever-famous "mood-swings")

And do not worry. Reapplication will see you through! :)

I sometimes seriously believe that they aren't even bothered by what we answer. I had gone to get an F1 a couple of years back, though finally I didn't use it. They took a really long time to get to me and I was really hungry and pissed. I think I even said I'll stay and look for a job there if there were good offers.:ashamed: They gave me the Visa.

The person Kumar talked to must have had an off day. He should get through easily on reapplication.
Kumar said:
Oh, Hi!

Well, me got rejected as they didn't beleive i would be coming back :(

She didn't check ANY of my docs. She only saw GRE/TOEFL/Provisional and asked a couple of questions like which university and what did you do for the past 1 year (me completed BE in 2007).

Im applying again in 10-15 days though....

Damn!!! :O

I dont know what reply of urs made them feel that way; :(

Anyhow, a re-application'd definitely help; :)
Hmm yes, Thats something thats mentioned on the I20 form the university sends everyone, the visa people look for reasons for you to come back, till then one is treated as a potential immigrant.

Give it another crack, I'm sure you'll make it :)
yea...these days they reject your visa more often either if they feel u are potential immigrant or if they have any doubts about your tution fees source as in its less than the i20 amt...give em a solid reason why you would return back to india...btw what was your answer to the ques "what did you do for the past 1 year?"...twas purely an offday for you...ATB for the next VI...:D
@ Lord. Generosity might be at Mumbai consulate

Kumar approached Chennai consulate . There are so many applicants there that you will never find a regular open slot for booking a Visa date under the F1 category

Kumar, you don't have to worry. It all depends on the mood of the VO. When you approach for the second time , he will have to reopen and your file and interview for 10 minutes and give a solid reason in case of a rejection. He can't do the interview in a breeze like the first time

If you have decent scores in GRE/TOEFL/degree and are financially sound , he should issue the VISA
^Well, I made that point based on what the current scenario for F1 candidates at Chennai consulate is. I have seen, and still am seeing, all vague and hilarious interviews been taken and VISA granted instantaneously based on godknowswhat. F1 folks are now competing within themselves on how much minimum time they (can)did have at that place, the value of which has sunk upto 5 holy seconds! Many of them are being asked some ultra-tangential questions, I can post some excerpts if you would like, and VISA granted - irrespective of the answers. I know this procedure is kind of getting insane and people are conceiving various drastic conclusions in an attempt to reason it out, but they all are happy nonetheless.

Mumbai consulate ain't so much generous this year and the interviews are of the conventionally proper "grilling" type. So, based on all the current stats, from my friends and edulix etc., I hence expected majority of the people who go through Chennai's consulate to get through.

Sadly, the ratio cannot be hundred percent and hence we did have the rejects we saw.

Hopefully, Kumar should be able to introspect if there was anything he did(or did not do!) which did not fit the bill and ameliorate on that. He should surely get by this time.
There are other issues. The university you apply to also affects stuff. Kumar's was not in the top 50 so that makes it more likely they'd be sceptical; it should be partly offset by the fact that it is a state university, but since it is not part of the Univ of CA system it will be considered second string.

Then there are things like economic scenario. Funding is tight, and there are fewer chances for jobs/OPT etc. They know that Indian candidates usually depend on that to pay off tuition, and that is less available now.
Hey guys, sorry for not answering to the posts...i completely forgot about this thread.

Anyway, me GOT VISA!!!!

The VO was a lady in her 50s. My interview was more a 4th year project viva-voce than a visa interview. She asked really awesome questions on my project which ive done myself was able to a answer perfectly.

Anyway as they say- alls well that ends well.

My scores are GRE:1110 TOEFL:280/300 and 106/120 (gave 2 times as the first score expired)

Oh, and finally, thanks to all your encouraging words!
Kumar said:
Hey guys, sorry for not answering to the posts...i completely forgot about this thread.

Anyway, me GOT VISA!!!!

The VO was a lady in her 50s. My interview was more a 4th year project viva-voce than a visa interview. She asked really awesome questions on my project which ive done myself was able to a answer perfectly.

Anyway as they say- alls well that ends well.

My scores are GRE:1110 TOEFL:280/300 and 106/120 (gave 2 times as the first score expired)

Oh, and finally, thanks to all your encouraging words!

hey kumar ...wot did u study for GRE ??????? my first two attempts in GRE gave me bad scores..i am also working bad scores are discouraging me again and again... i m totally confused as to how to plan the studies as i m finding it difficult to get a decent 1000 and above score...i need ur advice as to how u studied and what u studied....i m following a haphazard manner without following any sequence...some times quant sometimes verbal...i need ur help as to how can i get a good friends got a really good score of 1180 and their first attempt and that too by studying for just one month...and i cant even seem to make it in 3 months...i m really depressed over this as i cant seem to juggle between work and studies...plz help... :(
you know what? I too studies for 1 week hardly. The most important thing is you can improove a lot in quant by practice. But for verbal, you need a bit of long term prep. Start by developing good reading habits (any thing will do, news papers/novels/biographies etc.)

Start with quant and finish it off first. After that start verbal as it can take some time to get good scores in it.

3 months is a good amount of time to start preparing for GRE. Before that, you will forget the first studied stuff by the time you get to the test and after that, the time won't be sufficient.

Get the Bigbook (PM me i have a link for it in e-book form) and barron's. Then go for kaplan etc. But at the bare minimum complete bigbook and barron's.
Balkazzaar said:
i m following a haphazard manner without following any sequence...

Thats the problem;

1 month is itself more than enough if u can devote at least 8 hrs to it on a daily basis;

My friends used to learn it from Baron's GRE prep book; no clue abt the real name of it but its something of that sort; :)

They managed scores from 1190 all the way to 1540 [a female got that and she's one helluva god-forsaken nerd and a book-worm; got dual placements in MS & Yahoo and managed a CAT score of 98 odd %'ile without any preps; :D]

Kumar bro can pour some inputs with this regard; :)
^^I did an hour a day for 21 days and got 1540.

The GRE is easy enough for anyone who reads.

Definitely memorize Barron's wordlist from top to bottom.
Wowser; :O

Heard abt ur skills and fame, sir KK; :)

Way to go; :D

PS: Which Unv did u do ur MS btw??? And what course?? Just curious; :)

Texas A&M if I read it somewhere; I guess;
gannu said:
a female got that and she's one helluva god-forsaken nerd and a book-worm; got dual placements in MS & Yahoo and managed a CAT score of 98 odd %'ile without any preps; :D

Not a big deal :P

even jobless non-nerds with back papers can do that :P

PS: me trying GRE this sep. need to get some work done about the cramming. someone should write a kinky novel with the words in baron. Hate cramming on principle and might prove to be my undoing during GRE :(
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