6500 for PiBox kit; https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07XSJ64ZY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_7H04Fb50QXATS?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
2TB external Seagate HDD; mine is almost 10 years old. You can add or reduce storage cost accordingly. Running Pi headless so no extra cost of Display or Keyboard and Mouse. Control it via Laptop or Android phone through VNC and/or SSH. Plex, PiHole, Deluge have their own Web UI so not much of an issue configuring/controlling them.
Pi is connected to Airtel Fiber ONT via LAN cable and all of them are hooked up to a 1KVA UPS for 24x7 operation.
2TB external Seagate HDD; mine is almost 10 years old. You can add or reduce storage cost accordingly. Running Pi headless so no extra cost of Display or Keyboard and Mouse. Control it via Laptop or Android phone through VNC and/or SSH. Plex, PiHole, Deluge have their own Web UI so not much of an issue configuring/controlling them.
Pi is connected to Airtel Fiber ONT via LAN cable and all of them are hooked up to a 1KVA UPS for 24x7 operation.