yup, found out about the drama from bunch or reels and YT shorts. And I'm surprised how much pissed the westerns are that an Indian channel is growing bigger than their own. They are treating it like a matter of life and death.If you want to see an obvious and quite literal example of this playing out, look at the T-series vs Mr Beast/Pewdewpie drama that's raged on for years. To some people in the West, the idea of the most subscribed YT channel being Indian is cause for concern, because they feel like they're losing control of the platform. That causes them to lash out in the most pathetic way possible. Trying to declare 'War' on this T-series channel despite the fact that T-series does not care about them at all. This will be an ongoing theme in the future. Online communities will have to engage with Indian perspectives more and more, and in some cases, they will become more dominant than the Western ones. This will happen because it is simply a numbers game. That is what I mean when I say we will eventually dominate.
And on the other hand I never cared which channel was on top. What good could come from this is being on top gonna help small channels from same country or it's gonna pump the revenue of small Youtubers get from adsense. ( I have seen way too many Indian posts who want Mr.beast to win and not T-series, Well it's their choice I can only judge not pass verdict)