Anyone sought a student-visa lately?

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Well the title says it all.Since there are many engg. students on this site,and iff anyone has gone to a school in the US recently,I would like some tips for the visa processing,interview et all...
Got my finances and papers,I-20 in order.
I heard its not a problem these days but advice from someone wiser never hurts does it?
i dont know what the scene is at the US embassies these days is, but a couple of years back when most of my friends/classmates went, it was hard getting the Visa. one advice though, dont act too smart when u r there.. :P (just kidding).. gud luck bro..
Yeah two things I have been told to keep in mind-
Don't act oversmart(and don't act like a dud either),but then u can say that for any interview I guess.
Secondly,always say u will come back although the guy at the other end knows thats just for show.
undertaker said:
Secondly,always say u will come back although the guy at the other end knows thats just for show.

a subtle way to show that is to show a lot of assets.. a friend of mine declared close to a crore in property just for the kicks :D

TheMask posted 0.23 minutes later:

and he got the Visa too :)
Yeah I know.The embassy people seem to be keen on keeping the drama going I guess.Everyone knows that given even a quarter of a chance no one in his right mind comes back here atleast not until he has made enough dough to last a life time.
Masky:Can't show a crore in property coz don't have it. :ashamed:Will show close to $130 grand though.Hope that would suffice.
I never said my friend had 1 crore worth of property.. but from what u say, it looks like they are not as strict as they were a couple of years back..

another of my friend went in Jan.. he had applied in October and his Visa was rejected.. he applied again in December and this time he got his Visa..
12th July is D-Day.Hope its smooth sailing.Thanks for the input,mask.Unfortunately
I can't rep ya for that:
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to TheMask again".LOL.
lol.. thats OK mate.. as long as u get teh Visa, everyone's happy.. (naa.. not b'coz we wud be seeing less of ur flames.. but for all the right reasons) :D
HeHe ! I'd like to believe that I'm still in my right mind :P !

Seriously, if you do not have a full assistantship make sure your financial docs are ship-shape - Dad's income tax returns, bank statements for the past 3 years or so or pay-checks covering that period, immovable financial assets, and whatever that would establish that you can afford to self-finance the FULL period of study and that you have strong roots here. That's the crucial stuff.

Don't forget to greet the guy when you get in. Don't use the word "Sir" except prolly when you first greet him. Keep your answers ready for why you want to go to the US, why that particualr field in that particular Univ., and what you'd do after your studies. All the standard queries that you'd be already aware of.

Don't overdo negative/positive India/US lifestyles.

Above all be honest and polite.

And Good Luck Mate !
ot - i was rejected a tourist visa 2 times!!!, the lady actually told me - either get married or come after 10yrs... :D
btw undertaker, best of luck!! :hap2:
which univs did u get into? i think that too matters, the better the univ the more pakka ur visa is..
Got a visa in '03 - Rutgers and Syracuse admits for MS-EE. No worries, smooooth sailing. Good GRE score helped, although the obligatory joke on my surname (Patel!) was cracked by the gora officer. Got my visa in one minute flat. Make sure all your docs, especially the financial ones are in order, and convince them you have enough to return to back in India, and you will not settle there..
Got a visa in '03 - Rutgers and Syracuse admits for MS-EE. No worries, smooooth sailing. Good GRE score helped, although the obligatory joke on my surname (Patel!) was cracked by the gora officer. Got my visa in one minute flat. Make sure all your docs, especially the financial ones are in order, and convince them you have enough to return to back in India, and you will not settle there..

Ppl staying at Neapean sea road, and Peddar road never have Visa probs, as the officers know that assets will be valued at over Rs 1 crore anyways. Stupid but its a fact
Goodluck undertaker...give us a heads-up on what happened once its over.
Its a transfer program to Purdue.So far no one from my college has been rejected so far (two batches of about 4-5 students have gone in the two previous years).
Woah nice thread, cool tips guys. Will be keepin 'em in mind when I go for my Visa interview (17th June ):fear2:
I've got a greencard. in a couple of years my citizenship will arrive, that's when i'll be 18.
And still my parents plan to send me to U.K. for further education because most of the relatives are there, and one of them even works at a university....
kinda' messed up. till then its my bharat all along, and eh cbse or gcse O/A levels i might switch to next year.
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