Anyone's been to Pondicherry??

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Private Ryan

Probably ppl from down south cud help me..i'm goin to Pondy to attend my missed PCP classes for my MBA. As i have never been thr before so was looking for some directions..:ashamed: what are the best places to visit in Pondy? Also what is the mode of conveyance to get to these places..dont wanna be taken for a ride..:P Can i get a bike on rent thr like in goa? Also pls name a few good beaches near pondy..thanks..:)
i was there in pondicherry for a year.... you get mopeds/kinetic hondas for 100 rs per day(dont know how much it is now) you gotta hand over original licence or xerox .. better take both your transportation is covered up , theres one main road in pondy called the beach road and you sit on that wall and see the sea , but if you want an experience ..... drive down to a place called auroville , 8 kms from there , and check that out ... they have a private beach called QUIET ... which is cool but you gotta tell them that you are there to see their services :P

auroville is a huge place .... check their website Auroville, a universal city in the making and see if you are interested in that,,, theres a huge dome called the matrimandir ...pretty rad ... thats about it ..... inside pondicherry town the best places to see are in the White town nothing much there ...good luck and take care
Kippu said:
you get mopeds/kinetic hondas for 100 rs per day(dont know how much it is now) bullets...?? :S

but if you want an experience ..... drive down to a place called auroville , 8 kms from there , and check that out ... they have a private beach called QUIET

Is it accessible to outside ppl..i mean, what exactly shud i do to get access..:ashamed:

I was told about some kalapet beach...heard it was gr8 and deserted most of the times..i'm actually looking for such places..with less ppl around..:hap5: :P

Damn, i know how i'm fed up of looks like some machchi bazaar...:lol:

auroville is a huge place .... check their website Auroville, inside pondicherry town the best places to see are in the White town nothing much there ...good luck and take care

Thanks a lot for the link..tht'll come in handy..:) Btw, if i'm rite, the white town is the famous french colony of pondicherry..?? btw, are thr any good places to shop?? thanks again..:)
theres a sunday market a bit like flea market , but hey good place to buy stuff ...again auroville .... there are lots of nearby beaches near pondy but i always used to hang out near quiet and on that road ...i am sure some guys had bullets but i did not see them at the rentals ...maybe again inside auroville you can get some :) ..... as you could have probably guessed i lived in auroville for a while :P

no nothing there is like juhu beach :P and yea white town is the french town... very clean , big roads at 90 degrees and lots of aurobindo ashramites in cycles ...very different place
Is thr any eligibility to stay in auroville?? Actually though my staying place is decided, i wud like to experience auroville after all tht u mentioned..:) seems to be like a gr8 place..:ohyeah: Also are there any vintage churches in Pondy...? Cant resist such visual delights...:hap5: it dont matter even of they are far off from the city..i have ample time..:ohyeah:

Btw, what were u doin in pondy for a year?? :P Just curious..:P
no eligibility ... just contact some guest houses online from that website and call them up and ask them for booking wont be any star accomodation , just normal houses or tree houses or vaults ..depends on whom you contact ..vintage churches , couple of them inside the city itself ... one is on the beach ..other if i am not mistaken is near the railway station .... one year in pondy ....just living my life :)
no eligibility ... just contact some guest houses online from that website and call them up and ask them for booking

given the vacation season, its really gonna be hard to get one, i guess..anyways will try..:)

it wont be any star accomodation , just normal houses or tree houses or vaults ..depends on whom you contact ..

Aww man..thts what i'm lookin for...tree house wud be just awesome..:ohyeah: Btw, i know i'm asking for too much but do they have wifi in auroville?? :ashamed: :P

one year in pondy ....just living my life

Damn, u lucky moron..:P i wish i cud live my life away from all tht work n the daily tussle for even a month..:no:
vacation ...erm no this is no tourist place ... actually its summer so all the residents would have gone to europe to chill and escape heat ...must be easy to get a tree house this time ...

:: Staying among Aurovilians ::

youth camp has the tree houses ...or check the fotos and see what you like ,,, do not say you are a tourist to see pondy ...make them blv that you want to see auroville and be a part of it :P

go there .... you wont be disappointed ... dont stay at pondy !! :D

btw tsk tsk wifi stuff when i was there ...hey i never even checked out newspapers that time :D
I was there in 2001 on a school trip. To get into Auroville, just say you're from the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. That should be enough.
no no ... they are different ....although it stems from same belief ... dont say that at all ...just say you wanna explore auroville and their way of life , you will get better treatment could go as a tourist also but hmm they usually dont like that
Oh i thought you could get into Auroville by saying that. Basically my school was affiliated with the Sri Aurobindo Society so I guess that's what they might have said.
you can just basically walk in , but they tend to show a preference to people who accept their way of life ... its like woodstock and 70's life stuck in a timewarp
Kippu said:
its like woodstock and 70's life stuck in a timewarp

Ohh man, i yearn for such a lifestyle..:hap5: Something tht i cannot get in aamchi mumbai...:no:

Btw, hows the weather there at this point of time? I guess, something like bombay..?? given the proximity to the sea...n from what i presume from your explanations, auroville is like a living embodiment of simple living and helping build the community..rite..?? So tht means, there is no processed air ( in there..asking this cos the weather here in mumbai at this point of time cannot be beared without an AC..:no: Same goes for WiFi as well, i guess??

Anyways, i wanna experience tht kinda life without the amenities which we are so used to..prolly tht'll help me become less dependable on such a materialistic world..:P

i'm really curious after going thru tht site, cos,though i'm on a short visit to pndy, if i like it, i'll definitely like to go back n live my life there for a few months or u did...:P Lucky u,man..:hap5:
its going to be hot ...take your shorts... thats wat you be wearing all day ,maybe rainfall but its fun dude..... guesthouses wont have television , papers are rare ..... you can go to net cafes ( it dint exist when i was there) ... in the evenings you can just sit around and talk to complete strangers about life and be amazed how well you can cope up without technology :P

good luck and have fun ....

if you are in orkut, go join auroville and read what the rest say about it :D
Private Ryan said:
Anyways, i wanna experience tht kinda life without the amenities which we are so used to..prolly tht'll help me become less dependable on such a materialistic world..:P
It won't, unless you never experienced the moden world.

You looked into pandora's box already :tongue:
Ohh cmon..ppl do leave all these things behind n become saints..dont they?? :P

Not tht i'm interested in becoming one though..:ashamed: Cant live without my PC...:hap5:

Will think of it when i turn 50 or so..:lol:
yes its quite hard to leave behind these , but if you remove yourself from these stuff and put yourself in an environment where you have fun with other things other than pc and internet ,, you will understand how easy it is to move on
reached Pondy...:) damn, twas a bumpy ride to chennai..IA sucks..:@ But then the relief was the ride thru the East coast road..whatta view...:O loved every moment of it.. :ohyeah: And yeah..Pondy rocks..atleast from whatever i've seen till now...whatta a relief from the tussle of mumbai..the best part, there are much lesser ppl around...:lol: in a cafe rit now...damn tired...will check out auroville tomorrow..currently holed up at a place called vaithikuppam..:P
You may want to go down to a place called Paradise beach..Don't be fooled by the corny's an estuary with a brilliant beach....

The only hitch I see is this is the hottest part of the year on the South East Coastand not really the best time for Pondy...But I guess you would have had your reasons, so make the most of it.....

And I hope you are not a teetotaller....Pondy somehow isn't Pondy without some beer in the day and some Chardonnay in the eve.
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