Anyone's been to Pondicherry??

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ohh is...:ohyeah: :hap2:

comeover to Fun enclave...i've posted a few pics in the reality bites section there..ohh, btw, i'd gone to kalapet beach, i loved it soo much i'm gonna go thr again,early in the morning tomorrow to catch the sunrise..(its already 3 in the morning rit no chance of getting up at 5 today..:P )

But, i've got to admit tht the sea was rough today in the noon...the waves were just too overwhelming...:no: but it was fun...:ohyeah: A few other guys from my batch accompanied me..n it was good fun..:ohyeah: Unfortunately no girls dared to come with us...:(.....:P
^^Lol..ask the girls...well, we dont look like a bunch of monsters...:lol: Actually, only a few girls have come to pondy for the PCP as most of them must have already attended it in their respective cities...:( And those who have come are kinda grown up, u know the working class type..:P So they think we are just a bunch of college kids hangin n jumping hell with them...we've made one helluva bikers gang..n tomorrow will be going to check out the sunrise at kalapet beach...:ohyeah: Ohh, btw, i've got a nice rented bullet here (someone from our batch arranged it)...lovin the ride..:hap2:
^^yeah, but my friends here convinced me otherwise...:ohyeah: :D...U see, nothing is impossible in this world..n tht includes 'the lazy me'....:P
Private Ryan said:
^^yeah, but my friends here convinced me otherwise...:ohyeah: :D...U see, nothing is impossible in this world..n tht includes 'the lazy me'....:P

Sounds like you're in the right crowd :hap2:
kippu this is for you..last of the few pics...gonna comeback tomorrow..:)







Rendezvous was closed in the morning..:P Man, my class timings prevented me from taking a good peek at the Auroville..we still went thr but were not allowed inside as it was already 8.00 in the evening...maybe tomorrow morning, we'll try our luck again..:)
^^So true man...:no:

last pic of kalapet beach after sunset on 31st.....n now i'm thinking, i spent TEN full days there, n yet it feels as if i'd left for pondy yesterday..:no: But to cheer myself up, i've made a resolution to visit Pondy again in december..:hap2: Lets see if my dream realizes or not..:hap5:

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