Anyone's been to Pondicherry??

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Superczar said:
You may want to go down to a place called Paradise beach..Don't be fooled by the corny's an estuary with a brilliant beach....

Thanks..will check i've got quiet a few places to check out, auroville, Quiet beach (kippu's recommendation :P ), kalapet,few churches around the well as Paradise beach..:)

I've got to take a bike on rent tomorrow if i am going to all these places...:no:

The only hitch I see is this is the hottest part of the year on the South East Coastand not really the best time for Pondy...But I guess you would have had your reasons, so make the most of it.....

Hehe..i wish it was actually a vacation trip..then i wud have planned it accordingly....:( instead i'm here to attend my fcukin missed PCP classes for my MBA...:@ else, those damned a$$holes wont let me appear for the jams...:no:

N i have to agree its hot in here..but given the fact tht i'm used to the hot n humid coastal climate in mumbai, i'm completely at home here..:D

And I hope you are not a teetotaller....Pondy somehow isn't Pondy without some beer in the day and some Chardonnay in the eve.

Naah man, i'm in fact a teetotaller...:P lol..will check out some nice pastries n chilled coffee instead..heard thrs a very good pastry shop here..will check it out tomorrow..:ohyeah:
I had gone for pondy for a day as part of a college tour.

Its a great place for boozers (damn cheap booze) :P

The beach near the gandhi mandap aint a big deal, but the place has got some nice culture.

PS : I am a teetotaller too. :)
how much for the bottle ?

i doubt if you'll find good chardonnay available in the market at Pondy though they do have a decent collection of Indian bottled sauvignons (both cabernet and blancs)
you did not answer on the price, i get all this here in blr, but the cost is ridiculous, that too for local made stuff.

Was thinking Pondy might be exempt from this ridiculous 256% tax on wine ffs.
Damn..where is kippu...prolly he cud help me with this famous pastry shop somewhr in the heart of the city...:no: the dumb cafe owner doesnt know anything about it..:@
famous pastry shop ... hmm i think that will be near rendezvous restaurant ...or else head over there and ask him ...he should know ...the rendezvous restaurant would be behind the church on the beach road ... lucky u dude ...u are in my favourite city ...get me some pics will ya please
Yeah..heard a lot about rondevooooo (lol..:P ) Will check out tomorrow..hopefully after my classes..uhh..i completely forgot why i came here in the first place...:ashamed: Alrite i'll get the pics..actually my digicam is screwed..i've brought my old time tested pentax and a will post them once they are scanned..:)
kippu said:
even mobile pics should do
Ehh...completely forgot about it...:ashamed: I need to go to sleep i think...:ashamed:

btw you will be amused to hear that the scousers are loosing
Damn..i dont care anymore...:@ Anyways, i always wanted them to its good result for me..:ohyeah:
no one else from EPL, if not united...:devil:
you did not answer on the price, i get all this here in blr, but the cost is ridiculous, that too for local made stuff.

Was thinking Pondy might be exempt from this ridiculous 256% tax on wine ffs.

to give you an idea of the prices....

grover/sula sauvignon Blancs cost 350-450

and chilean / wines range from 500-800
Right, no better than here then :(

Who pays $10+ for a bottle of local produce ?

when i was in france you got them for $5, same with the US if not cheaper.

its that duty that kills it. govt. says they will change from alcohol to wine.

hehe..maybe in our lifetimes
Aaarghh...kippu..i'm so classes are going overtime...:@ i go thr at 11 in the morning n those fookers dont let us leave b4 7 in the evening..i just came back..:no:

okay..the rocky beach across the promenade...:)

Grrrrrrrrr...imageshack sucks big time...:@

please wait..will upload to photobucket...

aaaaaaah the rocky beach ....used to sit there everyday and lissen to the waves ...there used to a bald white guy sitting on the grass patches and giving advices :P , oh btw i completely forgot to warn ya ...theres a park ( whose name i have forgot ) dont go there after sunset ...its a gay hangout ...
kippu said:
theres a park ( whose name i have forgot ) dont go there after sunset ...its a gay hangout ...

Thanks...:ashamed: ....the last thing i wud like in pondy is to get assaulted by homos...:ashamed: btw, any idea where exactly is it??...cant take any chances...:ashamed:

heres a view from the promenade...:) But its scorching hot out here..:no:

Grover is Indian, for whites there are like several countries you can get bettter for less..abroad. Look at the other alcohols produced here and compare their prices to the west, very affordable in comparison. But the price of wine here is nearly double for local produce in comparison to elsewhere.

For Rs.250 i expect a decent wine, (given you get nearly 4 glasses), not a good one. But at that price, you get plonk.

**** it i think i just might make my own.
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