Apps for Nook Color - Froyo

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Bought myself a nook color last weekend.Loving it so far:clap:.I updated it to 1.2.0 update from Barnes&Noble i.e 2.2 Froyo.But am facing problem in installing new apps.

B&N acts as a gatekeeper to android market.So most of the apps that are recommended dont turn up in the App screen of the Nook.
I downloaded all the .apk files of the apps I wanted to install, onto a microSD card.But the apps cant be installed from the Nook.I get a 'Unsupported file format' when I try to open them in the nook.Even a search for a free installer(or any installer as for that matter) doesn't turn up in the app section of the nook.:@
I wanted basic apps like Astro file manager, Task manager, EzPDF reader etc.

Could someone help me out here with some advice.
And oh, I tried to go to AppBrain directly and install it from theer, but couldn't.

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I do not want to root it yet, atleast not through the internal memory.

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@RS4 - here I am :D

You cannot install unless you root. Why you don't wanna root ?

Once you root, install File Manager App and you can do click - install.
^^now,help him get some apps on the nook,you are too busy after jailbreaking your iphone 4, too many ipa files i guess ;)
hehe yeah man. help me out.:P

I want to use the SD card option to run Honeycomb.Just doesn't feel right to root teh internal memory.If something screws up I probably have to ship it back to the US to B&N for repair, it's too much hassle.

How is your nook running so far on honeycomb , avi?
Nothing will happen. Nook is 99% un-brickable.

No, I am not on HC. I am using CM7. and it's not HC, its an emulated version.
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