Arab media:Saddam executed!!

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Hacker said:
Whats wrong with ahmedenijad???:huh:

For one hes another hitler in the making. He does not acknowledge the holocausts of ww2, he has stated his intentions to "wipe" Israel (another arab pipedream, kinda like 72 virgins).
He has, just like hitler, moulded his people's wishes to support him regardless of his stupid policies. Iranians have been fed to believe that they are Persians, somehow superior to arabs and the rest of the world. It is these kinds of views that led to ww2. I just hope the US takes this guy out pronto.
@ Yamraj, The amreekans are hypocrites. They go after the weak countries like Iraq. give them a strong force and they will buckle down. Nk,Pakistan,Iran all of these countries are troublesome countries but since they can afford some kind of resistance they won't be hurt.

Anyways, I support invasion of these Arab countries. They will lead to regional instability if they're allowed to prosper. Unless moderation is forced upon these jahils they will pose problems for evey single one of us. They should be remodelled after turkey.

The americans are'nt responsible for those deaths, Its a shia/sunni thing like a poster has claimed here. Its all religion based fighting, buying into the billion conspiracy/US blame-game theories is not really the smartest thing to do.
Believe it or not, every country which is not secular still has religion based clashes among the major religion. Case in point is the ahmediya clashes in Pakiland and the other million shia/sunni clashes, the kurdish insurgencies etc etc.
RiO said:
Yamaraj, he's not saying that, but clearly you don't see our point of view and your views are on a different wavelength altogether - time to end the discussion and continue on.

And you seriously lack a sense of humor because my original post in this thread wasn't meant to be taken as serious as you did. Lighten up! If you really want to talk about humanity, let's start discussing your work on clothing/feeding the homeless/needy.
Well, we already have the UN for the homeless, hungry and diseased. And, you have a very bad taste in humor. Making fun of the slain isn't something I expect to see. I'm sorry for both him and the people who died because of him.
guru said:
This is stupidest THE thing i read today

Whatever man....we have agreed on some things before. Not this time I guess :P

You are free to have your opinions.

Yamaraj said:
Well, we already have the UN for the homeless, hungry and diseased. And, you have a very bad taste in humor. Making fun of the slain isn't something I expect to see. I'm sorry for both him and the people who died because of him.

Dude, we can never NEVER agree to your viewpoint and it looks like you canr agree with out opinion. So, stalemate then :P
Yamaraj said:
Well, we already have the UN for the homeless, hungry and diseased.
Well, WHOOP-DEE-DOO!!!!! We're supposed to feel better about the homeless based on that statement? Practice what you preach... if you claim to be humane, practice too. I might appear to be heartless when I joke about the "procedure" behind executions (btw I'm still laughing), but I'm sure I do more social work in a year than you will in your entire life.
Yamaraj said:
By your moral standards it would be perfectly alright to rape and dismember a cadaver? I mean, who gives a rat's ass about it - not even the dead body itself!

There's something seriously wrong with people these days.

where did you get that from dude?? :S dont try to include me in your necrophilic fantasies
Yamaraj said:
Care to explain why? Almost 700,000 people have been killed in Iraq since the American invasion in 2003. Who is responsible for all those dead people, if not him? Bush managed to kill significantly more in only 3 years than what Saddam did in 25 years. In fact, Saddam wasn't even fundamentalist and didn't sympathise with terrorists. Iraq was much better a place with him in place, than what it is now.

The killings are due to sectarian deathsquads/insugernts/terrorists not the American military. you cannot blame bush for carbombing day laborers waiting for work or kids playing football. saying Iraq was better in Saddam's time is like saying Russia was better with Stalin or crime rate was low in Afghanistan during Taliban.

I supported of Iraq war. now i think it could have been handled better. may be we didn't need a war in the first place. Saddam was a secular who was against these Islamic terrorists. (Iraq under Saddam - i read somewhere was the only Islamic country that supported us on Kashmir). America could have tried "our son of a b**ch" method again to take on Iran and Terrorists.
WOW!! man... every1 having his/her view about wat was done... but I still see dat it was a very High-End Political Drama with Him being punished @ da age of 69... I mean people do die anyways... but punished @ dat age is too much...

But some good points there... That brings me to our Problem - Kashmir.

Why aren't we granted such power??? I mean why do we have to feed those we catch while infiltrating or attcking?? I know so dat some1 b**ch hijacks a plane so dat some1 C*NT-FACE can be freed. Our leaders, Stupid Fu*ks need some hormone injection I guess. I mean If US can without any reason, we sure can. Once for all we can take out the training camps in POK and give them back. As I am sure once beaten at their game, they will understand that they need to be Civilized or be DEAD.

Again this is my view!! :D
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
For one hes another hitler in the making. He does not acknowledge the holocausts of ww2, he has stated his intentions to "wipe" Israel (another arab pipedream, kinda like 72 virgins).

lol i knew it someone would post these same exact points.

Let me ask you one question did you hear Ahmadinejad say that he wanted to wipe israel. I bet the answer is NO. This happened bcoz some of his words were lost in translation from persian to english. But the media doesnt care abt this bcoz it wants sensational news to feed people like you.

Ahmadinejad is not antisemite, did you know that iran has the largest no of jews in middle east after israel. Bet you didnt know that either.

N Ahmadinejad never denied the holocaust he said that the no of dead was greatly exaggerated.

Given Ahmadinejad's wild rhetoric about wiping Israel off the map (though the translation of these remarks is now acknowledged to be somewhat fuzzy),

The First Post : Are Israelis gearing up to bomb Iran?

l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
He has, just like hitler, moulded his people's wishes to support him regardless of his stupid policies. Iranians have been fed to believe that they are Persians, somehow superior to arabs and the rest of the world. It is these kinds of views that led to ww2. I just hope the US takes this guy out pronto.

Do you even know how the iranian politics works, Ahmadinejad has to report to Ayatollah Khomeini about every decision he makes. Ahmadinejad recently made some pro women reforms but had to roll them back bcoz the mullahs above him didnt like it.

lol you last point abt taking this guy out tells me something about your age.

There is an even more compelling reason why realists like General John Abizaid, US commander for the region, and former Secretary of State James Baker are counselling the hawks in Israel as well as Washington to cool it.

Not only would a pre-emptive strike on Iran miss more than it hit - it would invite immediate and devastating retaliation. The Revolutionary Guards could launch a global terrorist campaign and the Iranian Air Force could bomb the offshore gas installations stretching along the Gulf from Qatar. That would knock out 15 per cent of the world's natural gas supply at a stroke.

US cnnot even control iraq forget iran.

Just bcoz you read some columns in our newspapers doesnt make you an expert on these topics.

I have 3 iranian friends and they are very cool ppl.
Nikhil your views are very much human centric however in todays world you have to know "there is no friends only permanent interests".It looks good on paper.

Saddam wanted a Secular middle East and was repeteadly stopped by many in the way.He was a great friend of India (diverted a oil tanker during indo-pak conflict), If he was in Iran we would got permission and flown CAS operations through iraqi airspace suring the IC814 Hijack.

Saddam deserved a better treatment, it will not only fuel up whole regional conlifct but will further divide a particular religion which is very bad.

I sense Pakistan backed iran atacking saudi backed Iraq someday in future.

I'm against Saddams death provided the geopolitics.

Do you even know how the iranian politics works, Ahmadinejad has to report to Ayatollah Khomeini about every decision he makes. Ahmadinejad recently made some pro women reforms but had to roll them back bcoz the mullahs above him didnt like it.

lol you last point abt taking this guy out tells me something about your age.
so true dude, Ahmedajinad is a crazy prick!! Iran is disgusting not their peoples but their way of leadership.

Though Iran is indias friend at the cost of what? buyng gas at 1.5 times the price of now?
No thanks! I'll stick with israel and get all fruits of american technology without even being trapped directly with america and thus avoiding its notorious foreign policy of america.
Harshal said:
WOW!! man... every1 having his/her view about wat was done... but I still see dat it was a very High-End Political Drama with Him being punished @ da age of 69... I mean people do die anyways... but punished @ dat age is too much...
But some good points there... That brings me to our Problem - Kashmir.
Why aren't we granted such power??? I mean why do we have to feed those we catch while infiltrating or attcking?? I know so dat some1 b**ch hijacks a plane so dat some1 C*NT-FACE can be freed. Our leaders, Stupid Fu*ks need some hormone injection I guess. I mean If US can without any reason, we sure can. Once for all we can take out the training camps in POK and give them back. As I am sure once beaten at their game, they will understand that they need to be Civilized or be DEAD.

Again this is my view!! :D

We are granted such power, but alas politicians lack balls.
But if we look closely we are playing much better game, its for our own interest not to get involved in any dirty wars till our economy is in a commanding position to influence the world in a big way.

btw, that plane hijacking when happened, there is a classified report about india's elitest para commandos (not documented or known to public/unknown regiment) flying a close counter ops in Kandhahar abroad Iluyshin 76, but Bakistan refused to give us fly through their airspace, It involved violating Iran's/Iraq's (i forgot which one is next to afganistan) airspace for very limited time, their ATC were informed but some stupid prick leaked to bakistan and the operation got messed up as the kalibans got information.

Dont blame the politicians, the game has just started you'll see a lot of things now.Again saying Economy is everything!

Do you even know how the iranian politics works, Ahmadinejad has to report to Ayatollah Khomeini about every decision he makes. Ahmadinejad recently made some pro women reforms but had to roll them back bcoz the mullahs above him didnt like it.

lol you last point abt taking this guy out tells me something about your age.
Here is Iran's civil Law
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Execution of a teenage girl

ahmadejianad lacks presidents IQ, look at north korea they want economic cooperation like south korea in-exchange of dumping nuke installations.
I believe Iran should do the same.
RiO said:
Well, WHOOP-DEE-DOO!!!!! We're supposed to feel better about the homeless based on that statement? Practice what you preach... if you claim to be humane, practice too. I might appear to be heartless when I joke about the "procedure" behind executions (btw I'm still laughing), but I'm sure I do more social work in a year than you will in your entire life.
I'm not laughing, and social-service was never a topic here.

apollyon said:
where did you get that from dude?? :S dont try to include me in your necrophilic fantasies
Eeeek! :O
apollyon said:
omg! who gives a rats ass about his feelings!!
What kind of a 'civilized' person would taunt and laught at the slain? BTW, I'm sorry about the extreme analogy I took for granted. It wasn't easy for me, and I wasn't being offensive either.
Hacker said:
Do you even know how the iranian politics works, Ahmadinejad has to report to Ayatollah Khomeini about every decision he makes.
You've got it almost right, except for the fact that Khomeini's been dead since 1989. :ohyeah:
ah! the tricks people have to resort to defend Iran's political system.

Grand Âyatollâh Seyyed ‘Alî Hossaynî Khâmene’î (Persian pronunciation) (help·info) (Persian: آیت*الله سید علی حسینی خامنه*ای) (Also known as : Seyyed Ali Khamene'i) born 17 July 1939[1], is the current Supreme Leader of Iran

Ali Khamenei - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


he's yet another Islamic fundamentalist. If Holocaust denial(6 million jews were gassed and murdered because they were Jews) isn't anti semitic i dont know what is
Anyone who says Iran is India's friend needs to get his head checked. Especially that last petroleum minister of ours... Mr Mani Shankar Aiyer. They have never EVER supported us. And they have gone back on several agreements.

As for Iraq being a friend, well at best Iraq was neutral.

Pakistan backing Iran against Saudi Arabia? Which mental case said that?
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