lol i knew it someone would post these same exact points.
Let me ask you one question did you hear Ahmadinejad say that he wanted to wipe israel. I bet the answer is NO. This happened bcoz some of his words were lost in translation from persian to english. But the media doesnt care abt this bcoz it wants sensational news to feed people like you.
Ahmadinejad is not antisemite, did you know that iran has the largest no of jews in middle east after israel. Bet you didnt know that either.
N Ahmadinejad never denied the holocaust he said that the no of dead was greatly exaggerated.
The First Post : Are Israelis gearing up to bomb Iran?
Do you even know how the iranian politics works, Ahmadinejad has to report to Ayatollah Khomeini about every decision he makes. Ahmadinejad recently made some pro women reforms but had to roll them back bcoz the mullahs above him didnt like it.
lol you last point abt taking this guy out tells me something about your age.
US cnnot even control iraq forget iran.
Just bcoz you read some columns in our newspapers doesnt make you an expert on these topics.
I have 3 iranian friends and they are very cool ppl.