Arab media:Saddam executed!!

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Yamaraj said:
I'm not laughing, and social-service was never a topic here.

We were discussing humane concern and you seemed to have it flowing out of you heavily, putting a few of us down in the process. The only point I wanted to prove is that you're arguing for the sake of an argument and not because you truly care - now it's clear.
RiO said:
We were discussing humane concern and you seemed to have it flowing out of you heavily, putting a few of us down in the process. The only point I wanted to prove is that you're arguing for the sake of an argument and not because you truly care - now it's clear.
No! AFAIK, we were having a discussion over the issue of "humane execution". I'll let you know about my other humane dimensions, when the time is ripe.
KingKrool said:
Anyone who says Iran is India's friend needs to get his head checked. Especially that last petroleum minister of ours... Mr Mani Shankar Aiyer. They have never EVER supported us. And they have gone back on several agreements.
As for Iraq being a friend, well at best Iraq was neutral.

Pakistan backing Iran against Saudi Arabia? Which mental case said that?

No way Iran is no way Indias friend.
Never did i said Iran is, trouble is our respected commies will start shouting the moment america attacks Iran.and we will see another book coming from arundhuti roy.
They forgets where our national interest lies.

As for Iraq being a friend, well at best Iraq was neutral.
Yep it was but Saddam's regime supported India.
I dont trust any iran/iraq crap, but that specific regime wanted a secular middile east and was indias supporter.

Pakistan backing Iran against Saudi Arabia? Which mental case said that?

Arab recently released a report that If US leaves Iraq they will support the shias with funds etc etc.
If US attacks Iran and the domestic violence spreads, having look at balochistan insurgency pakistan will be ore pushed to provide US airbases etc etc.
We might as well see a demostic conflict coming out of it.
"Nations have no permanent friends or allies, they only have permanent interests."

'nuff said.
Well, Saddam was India's friend. He may have had other things in his mind, but he was India's friend. He supported us on Kashmir (even though Pakistan is a Muslim country and all other Muslim countries support it) and he had great relations with India.

And Saddam was a cruel man. No doubt abt it.

But under him, Iraq was peaceful. Women had a life. They could go out, etc. They werent made to live like dogs as in other muslim countries.
Nikhil said:
Well, Saddam was India's friend. He may have had other things in his mind, but he was India's friend. He supported us on Kashmir (even though Pakistan is a Muslim country and all other Muslim countries support it) and he had great relations with India.
On this issue, I agree with KingKrool. At best, he was neutral with us. And IMHO, India is incapable of having friends and repect their friendship. If he was our friend indeed, what did we do to help and defend his country against the Amreekan warmongers?

Nikhil said:
And Saddam was a cruel man. No doubt abt it.
Humans are cruel in general. He wasn't Gandhi, but not Stalin or Mao either.

Nikhil said:
But under him, Iraq was peaceful. Women had a life. They could go out, etc. They werent made to live like dogs as in other muslim countries.
Correct. But don't insult dogs and other animals. If humans were compassionate and rational beings, all living beings would live and prosper in a perfect harmony with love and peace.
Removing saddam wasn't really in america's interest.Removing saddam only allowed the shias in iraq come into power after sideling the sunnis.As a result xnow iran has more influence in iraq than any other country.Now 5here is real fear of a shia crescend in the entire middle east and that only increases the power and influence of iran which is exactly what washington didn't want. Instead of removing saddam they should have instead empowered saddam's regime so that it can act as a counter to iran.Instead they did one thing the iranians really wanted.

Now coming to iran , i don't think they are our true friend but they are really very important.Not only do they have huge oil reserves but iran is our only link to the strategically vital central asia.So like it or not you have to deal with iran

Coming to the hjacking, indian commandos were inside the plane that carried our then foreign minister to afghanistan.But the talibs surrounded the plane in huge nos. so any counter - terror ops by india was out of question.But indian politicians are indeed girlie men .Now we have a dumb ass home minister who doesn't have the balls to hang a terrorist.Ages have past since afzalwas convicted of terrorism but this moron can't even make up his mind whether to hang him or not.He will wait till there is another hijacking and then our hon'ble home minister will gladly release him.

And it's past time we do something about those POK terror camps.Talks won't resolve anything.kashmir could be resolved only through military means>unless we make the pakis pay for what they are doing they will simply continue killing more indians.

AND ya iranian president is really nutty who talks of wiping out israel and then turns around and says he was misquoted by the evil western media.

Its true that Saddam was cruel and killed many but it's also true that he kept his country terrorism free,kept al-qaeda out.He was a secular leader under whom women enjoyed many freedoms and was a true friend of india and that's all that matters.He deserved better treatment atleast from india.
He deserved better treatment from India....but when the US gets involved, you dont have much of a choice....
Hacker said:
lol i knew it someone would post these same exact points.

Let me ask you one question did you hear Ahmadinejad say that he wanted to wipe israel. I bet the answer is NO. This happened bcoz some of his words were lost in translation from persian to english. But the media doesnt care abt this bcoz it wants sensational news to feed people like you.

Ahmadinejad is not antisemite, did you know that iran has the largest no of jews in middle east after israel. Bet you didnt know that either.

N Ahmadinejad never denied the holocaust he said that the no of dead was greatly exaggerated.

The First Post : Are Israelis gearing up to bomb Iran?

Do you even know how the iranian politics works, Ahmadinejad has to report to Ayatollah Khomeini about every decision he makes. Ahmadinejad recently made some pro women reforms but had to roll them back bcoz the mullahs above him didnt like it.

lol you last point abt taking this guy out tells me something about your age.

US cnnot even control iraq forget iran.

Just bcoz you read some columns in our newspapers doesnt make you an expert on these topics.

I have 3 iranian friends and they are very cool ppl.

You are mixing up personal experience with what a country does. you my friend need to stop resorting to personal attacks . You can claim what you want about my age but the fact is that it is you who's typing like a 12 year old internet twat geek who randomly draws conclusions as to what someone's age is. Ahmedenijad is not an anti-semite?

Iran's supreme ruler backs president over anti-Israel comments - Haaretz - Israel News

I have lurked every single web-site on these topics which you seem to be a major expert at so could you kindly point out to me why a man like Ahmedenijad who has a HUGE NUMBER (according to you) of jews living in the country he rules, need to host a seminar questioning the holocaust?
You've hit the nail right on the head with the Mullah part.. what do you think Iran will do once the world switches to another fuel, or when its reserves dry up. What will Iran export/import? Can you ask your Iranian friends about what sort of contingency plans their government have formed for them? From my past experiences with arabs I can safely tell you that they are good people, but they're just a bit dim (only slightly, in a good sense).

I'm not anti-Iranian I just go to the side which will serve my country the best. Thats the way it should be in my opinion. And next time, I hope you keep your stupid 12 year old incessant chest hair measuring competition to your own self. have fun.

Just for the record the pipeline deal is off too. Guess whos going through with it? Yep dear 'ol Pakiland. Iranians really have India's best interests at heart, Ahmedenijad loves jews and would not see anyone hurt them... my ass.

Apologies to mods if this is taken as trolling. Just pm me and I'll edit/delete if you want.
Harshal said:
WOW!! man... every1 having his/her view about wat was done... but I still see dat it was a very High-End Political Drama with Him being punished @ da age of 69... I mean people do die anyways... but punished @ dat age is too much...
But some good points there... That brings me to our Problem - Kashmir.
Why aren't we granted such power??? I mean why do we have to feed those we catch while infiltrating or attcking?? I know so dat some1 b**ch hijacks a plane so dat some1 C*NT-FACE can be freed. Our leaders, Stupid Fu*ks need some hormone injection I guess. I mean If US can without any reason, we sure can. Once for all we can take out the training camps in POK and give them back. As I am sure once beaten at their game, they will understand that they need to be Civilized or be DEAD.

Again this is my view!! :D

We can't do anything to Pakistan if we wait for another 10 years. We lost the window of oppurtunity after Kargil. The nukes make it impossible for us to be able to initiate a war. I could elaborate a bit more but thats the gist of what stops us from taking these pow camps out.
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
We can't do anything to Pakistan if we wait for another 10 years. We lost the window of oppurtunity after Kargil. The nukes make it impossible for us to be able to initiate a war. I could elaborate a bit more but thats the gist of what stops us from taking these pow camps out.

The opportunity was during the 1971 war.....Indira should have made full use of that situation. We had them on the run.
^^ Ya but the soviets wanted us to stop the war and nixon ji was having sleepless nights worrying about his buddy in pakistan.Dear ol' Henri ji wasn't too happy with the "old witch" either!!

l33t_5n1p3r_max i agree with what you said.....Just one thing --iran is persian not arabic.But like i said i agree with you that iran isn't india's best friend and iranian president did talk openly about wiping out israel.After all why do you think they are after "peace reactors" for "power generation"
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
We can't do anything to Pakistan if we wait for another 10 years. We lost the window of oppurtunity after Kargil. The nukes make it impossible for us to be able to initiate a war. I could elaborate a bit more but thats the gist of what stops us from taking these pow camps out.

why didn't attack before 1998 then. As long as we maintain military superiority over Pakistan there'd be no war. Pakistan finally realized in 1971 that military victory over India is not possible. Thats why they have resorted to terror.
@ Arrow. If Indira had lived 5 more years we'd have had none of these problems. A woman of a poor, third world country who refused to buckle down to the 7th fleet has got to be admired.

From one of thr forums I regularly lurk about I read some pretty informed people discussing about Indian plans to attack Diego Garcia incase of overt American operations in Bangladesh. Dreaming that plan alone required more guts than the entire lot of politicians today can muster up.

@ the Iranian/arabic/Persian part, Yeah. I kinda messed that bit up. Dunno why I put arabic there. Maybe because they share some of the views with the Arabs.

Truth be told Iranians are different people. They have different opinions than arabs and are a bit more moderate. Thats why the only person I hate is that idiot ahmedenijad. Sure he looks cuddly and all but he's denying a period of history which resulted in the deaths of millions,Creation of new nations. The disintegration of a superpower and the emergence of 2 more superpowers (before 1991). This man is probably even more brainwashed than the average madrassa nutjob.

@Nikhil - 71 was a resounding victory. The army achieved most (nearly all) of its goals. However ,from my limited knowledge, what they did not want to do was to go for a full on invasion of hostile lands. In bdesh we had bengalis and the mukta bahini to support us. We were prepared for bdesh. For west Pakistan we were not prepared.

Our resources were spread thin due to the war on two fronts, plus the defender nearly always has an advantage. Also the nixon thingy pointed out by Arrow. Strategy can always be properly executed like 40 years after the battle. I would not want to be in the position of the generals who draw up these war plans. Slight mistake and hoo boy. It'll make a BSOD seem appealing :bleh:
^^We should however have crossed the border when mushbuddy sent his holy guys across the border without informing nawaaz.
What you say is true....but in that particular war, we really had them on the mat. We should have taken back the part of KAshmir which is ours. Conquering whole of Pakistan wouldnt have been possible.

But at least the whole of Kashmir...... That was an achievable target. They should have closed the Kashmir then and there....
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