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As I said earlier, this approach would be like trying to hold my pee in for too long.


Why is castration not an option? I understand that if it has huge social, physiological and psychological implications, but if your mind is set on it, then why not?

There are far safer ways than to take such extreme step. I would not suggest this step to anyone. Sometimes such thoughts come & go with age or you could say temporary, with a step like castration, there could be a lot of repentence later on.
Under 0.1% of the human population are naturally asexual. If you're not born one, I don't think you can turn yourself into one. Not yet anyways.
Already answered this in my OP. Physiological implications aside, society will ostracise you.

Do you know how to recognize a troll? Just look for the lack of human affect... and you are the by far the least entertaining of the lot this forum has had.
Do you know how to recognize a troll? Just look for the lack of human affect... and you are the by far the least entertaining of the lot this forum has had.

Pointless insult/personal opinion. Also, not always the right formula to recognize a troll might I add. Perhaps,not for you anyway.
Pointless insult/personal opinion. Also, not always the right formula to recognize a troll might I add. Perhaps,not for you anyway.

Any reason why you are asking your questions ( which seem pretty stupid to others ) on a tech forum ? Agreed that its a general section but why this site.I'm sure there are many philosophy and medical sites/forums where people can guide you better..

Well I asked this question to myself and the answer i got was one word. "Trolling"
Perhaps because I've gotten a little used to the off-topic section at AnandTech where people discuss a variety of things and there are members who post exclusively in off topic

I'm seriously not trying to troll or anything. Perhaps it just seems so because I asked so many things to people at once as I was curious about knowing their opinions on certain things. I don't usually post at this frequency either.

And, I'm an old member of the forum with a new account. I originally joined these forums back in 2005 when they started (we had all moved over from tech-arena). So, I'm using this particular site over others as I'm a little used to it. I used to be in touch with all the computer tech. stuff back during the GeForce 5900 FX/ Radeon 9800 days but I eventually got out of it. So I guess my posts will be mostly off-topic here unless I have something related to computers to ask.
Sometimes I do feel that the world would've been better without sexuality(especially after orgasm). But then we would miss a great feeling.

Btw, this thread would turn out to be pretty funny. :D
Yes, I know it might turn out to be funny. I was in two minds about posting this topic too as I did not know how people would respond to it. But, I did it anyway.

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OinkBoink, I'm enjoying your little rants. I'm sure many members will accuse you of many things, but please don't stop as long as you don't violate the rules. I don't post here about anything other than tech, so I won't indulge you in discussion, but just wanted to show you my support.

I guess I just have to use this guy's advice.
Frankly, I also wish to become asexual. I don't know if its just a coincidence, I saw 3 or 4 other guys in a Facebook group last week who also wanted the same thing. Also, within the last two weeks (not sure when exactly), I came across a documentary in Netflix about asexuals. I will watch it this weekend. And now this post!
Some mod/admin please get IP log and check if he is Being.Smart.I'm pretty sure he is the one.

Filing defameship case against you, if you send be 1 kg choco cake i will let you free :head2:

@OP, why don't you take the sex as the biggest gift provided to us, i think you might be thrashed by some girl which made you thing so.

Don't worry pay some nice cash and get high class escort to give you company for some days, then you will start singing "Zara nazron se keh do nishana chuk na jaye" :)
Let the duel begin...OinkBoink (quite possibly techboi as fah33m suggested and brought back those old memories :P ) vs Being.Smart.. .

Sex for pleasure is secondary. If everyone thinks like the OP, we would be extinct.

Yep. Evolution has made sex pleasurable because it's useful. Just like sugar is sweet because our brains have assigned the quality of sweetness to sugar as it has high energy content.

No one's talking about this being a good natural mechanism to propagate the human species (and with 6+ billion people, we can give it a break for a while).

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Let the duel begin...OinkBoink (quite possibly techboi as fah33m suggested and brought back those old memories :P ) vs Being.Smart.. .


I would 'duel' if whatever written was completely comprehensible. Or maybe not even then. Maybe if I had to defend a sensible point.
Hey, techboi is akshayt? :facepalm: Oh boy. Had a few run-ins with the guy myself back in the day.

Can't believe I would ever possibly be compared to that guy.
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