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Oh come on man! :(

Not another senseless topic for discussion. I shouldn't have approved your first post/thread.
Grow up, the world is a LOT more than computers and this probably is the most thought provoking thread this forum has seen.
You could try having sex with a 90 year old woman (That will put you off sex for a while)

Might as well engage in bestiality too. *sarcasm intended*

Haha, I can't help but laugh a bit at this thread myself now. Considering the topic (especially the topic being written in first person) and everything. Especially since most of you think I'm a new member who has randomly started posting random things. No matter. It's good entertainment in a sense (For the not-so-bitter non-haters at least, though the thread wasn't meant as entertainment, not entirely anyway) .

- - - Updated - - -

Don't get your panties in a bunch. I didn't mean that seriously. Sheesh! :lol:

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe your intentions were neutral. But perhaps, if you didn't see my thread(s) get a wee bit of support you might've supported the trolls trying to troll a supposed troll. I dunno. Maybe, it's all fun and games anyway.
Interesting thread.

Certain anti-depressants (SSRIs) totally kill libido. It's actually one of their side effects. You won't feel much even if a hot chick sits next to you. Are you looking for something like this? :P
SSRIs only partially reduce libido (usually). They make it harder to have an erection (though not always and not in all people). SSRIs would work to a certain extent (usually) but would not completely eliminate sexual desire. BTW, calling SSRIs anti-depressants is bit of a misnomer (you may already know this but I'm just saying). SSRIs are used for all sorts of things in varying dosages. Depression, OCD, social anxiety, to keep you alert, sexual dysfunction (premature ejaculation) etc. No, I'm not talking this stuff out of my ass. This is first hand info. I've gotten from some doctors I know.

Side effects vary from person to person. Though sometimes certain drugs have similar side-effects on a large number of people.
Oink Boink, I want yours up my ass.

Sorry. No homo here.

Also, I've taken SSRIs myself you dumb schmuck. I know what they feel like.

Stop crapping all over my threads just because you dislike me for taking your case (something that you started in the first place).

alekhkhanna (the guy who liked my post) IS a real doctor (or is at least training to be one). He can verify everything I've said in my post.
Do not hide behind sheesh's now, Mods , especially Super Mods have to choose their words carefully.

alekhkhanna (the guy who liked my post) IS a real doctor (or is at least training to be one). He can verify everything I've said in my post.
I'm a real doctor for the past 3 years. Hehe. :P
Also, pretty interesting threads. Really made me want to sit and think after a long time. :)
Modictatorship :)

There is nothing like that, to be honest. People who assume that Moderators are the semi-gods, owners, bosses of forums live in archaic web domains, and "ideals". Moderators, are supposed to be just like users and are free to do what they want to do. Nothing like, lead by example. Else forums would just become institutions and holier-than-thou portals orbiting around make-shift rules and regulations. All moderators do, is clean up the threads, insure rules are adhered to, and help out users with administrative tasks (merge threads, removed images if requested too, guide about better usage) and basically toilet-clean the threads, as they rifle through each and every new post in their respective areas. Coupled with this they should/can continue to contribute as normal users and have their freedom too. If people look up to MODs for diligence on how to post, then they are quite lost and should remain lurkers and learn by viewing.

Frankly it is quite a thankless job, but I love it. Modding three forums as of now...! ;)

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