Ashes Cricket 2009 Online Play

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Assi jatt Punjabi Honde.....saada Maann Punjabi Hondaa !!!!

Anky Lost again , this time by 4 wickets , but i must add he has got very good bowling skills !!!

Assi jatt Punjabi Honde.....saada Maann Punjabi Hondaa !!!!

anks22402 said:
who is kobooka jut had a aweosme game !! man lost in last over 4 runs to win in last over :d
Arre dude , I am Kabooka . Lets find ourselves some Pommies & Aussies to massacre . BTW nice bowling dude
^Nice.Had 2 dudes, Xanthos and SitH down to 3 wickets in the first over (SitH lost 1 2 in the first 3 balls) and they ran away :P Xanthos disconnected the next time i tried joining his game :P

EDIT : it was xanthis not xanthos. again this time he actually kicked me out of his server hahaha

This is fun.
Sorry Anks , i must rush , some work has come up . Extremely sorry to have disconnected in the middle of the match. You know WOMEN , they nag the bloody hell outta you . Plus Video Games + Cricket = Souten

Damn women , wont let a man play for national pride in peace.

Once again sorry for leaving you like this ..

Will play later ....... Ciao ;)
Played a few games online yday night and awesome, few very close games and a hell lot of fun than playing with AI. It lags during the release of the ball with few players but with most players I didnt have any issue at all.

Add me - arun687
Well i have added lots of players as friends, a few of them from here, a few from outside. It's really fun. Have to get used to it though. I mean this actually brings out the real cricket. You can't just hit everything or attack always. Well, now i must get back to other things. Will come online later. Add me folks - "phoenix" :D
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