A couple of tips:
1. While catching, observe the circle around the ball. The moment it turns colour to orange, you'll have to press enter. It stays in orange for may be a second, so your reflexes have to be good. After that, it changes colour to red, and even if you press enter any number of times, the catch will be dropped.
One point to note here is that, when the catch is going to the fielder near the boundary line, usually the marker stays at orange for a longer time. You'll have some time to react. But if it is a C&B, or slip catch or wicketkeeper catch, the response time will be amazingly less.. Almost as in real life, where you'll have just a fraction of a second to react.
2. While bowling, keep delivering similar type of balls like outswing or inswing continuously for the first 3 to 4 deliveries. Then suddenly in the 5th delivery, change to a slow ball or something else like that. You'll see the batsman struggle to adapt... sometimes mistiming the ball and giving you a catch. You can also vary the pace of the ball suddenly, by consistently bowling at full speed, and suddenly shifting to a very slow speed.
Now in 20 over games, I am able to score at least 160 to 180 on an average in normal mode while batting first; While bowling first, in normal mode, I'm able to take at least 7 wickets, and a couple of times I even made the other team all out.