Its the last half of 18th century.America is yet to become the United States of America.Opposition against the British empire is at its peak.The environment is very chaotic.People wants only one thing called freedom.There are riots everywhere.But in the midst of this revolution there is also a group which is secretly fighting for something more than just freedom.We know them in this game as the templars.
Now how our protagonist Ratonhnhaké:ton aka connor gets caught in this struggle is the story of assassins creed III.
Yes ubisoft tried hard to fit the story of AC III in to the American revolution timeline.To some extent i would say they succeeded.But unfortunately as you progress you can clearly mark out its weak spots.But still the story of AC III is different than the other games.Its more mature & political this time for obvious reasons.I wont discuss much about the story and its flaws because they will act as a spoiler.
Connor is not as charming as ezio.When he means business he means business.But unfortunately throughout the game he means business only.:lol: Yeah he never laughs.Well overall character development is good.But like i said many of you wont feel the bond with connor like you felt with ezio.
Overall actions have improved.You will see some cool new animations.Jumping from tree to tree is really fun and a new addition to this game.
The story missions mainly requires you to chase,eavesdrop,follow,stealth,fire cannons,command troops & execute a high profile target.But the most interesting ones are the naval missions (There are many in the side quests too).In short there are a lot of things to do in this game.It is HUGE.Most interesting side quests are the naval & homestead quests.
This time they tried to imitate RDR.Which means here also you can hunt and skin animals to earn some extra money.
Unfortunately this game has so many glitches and bugs that it can spoil your mood completely.It suffers from popping up textures,low frame rates(still ignorable) at some places,Poor controls,poor horse animation & invisible walls.
Voice acting is good & music by Lorne Balfe is not at all bad.You can hear some rich thematic music during the battles and the cutscenes.Unfortunately background music is absent during free roam.
It really looks good on consoles too.This game is astounding when it comes to details.The weather change and their after effects are shown pretty decently.Like after the rain you will find the forest roads muddy.The cities are pretty much detailed & filled with busy people.The lighting effects are wonderful.
Overall its a good looking game.
Seems similar to what was introduced in brotherhood.But here we have a co-op mode too called wolf pack in which four players are required to work together to kill the npc targets.I have not spend much time in the multiplayer therefore cannot say much about it.But i found it interesting enough.
AC III surely has a host of issues,but this game offers so much that if you can really immerse yourself into the game then you will overlook every one of it.
PS:-If you are a big fan of AC II then chances are you may end up hating it.