Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - Discussion Thread

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I agree, they should take a few years gap and come up with a better story. The gameplay in AC3 was pretty repetitive and the single player gameplay was very short. The setting in America was cool but the story kind of took too many jumps in time and the Desmond ending simply sucked.Btw loved the naval missions. Hope Black Flag has better story and longer gameplay
Yes.,,,, Black Flag indeed has a very compelling story and fabulous gameplay with various weapons. The missions are pretty awesome where the dynamics of different elements of game actually puts the player in an awesome virtual word.
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Just completed it and this must have been the longest time it took me to fully complete an Assassin's Creed game. My time tracker shows 71 hours and 1 minute. This is more time than what it took me to complete all the previous Assassin's Creed games, combined. Nevertheless, I liked the game. I went in with zero hopes, seeing as how Ass Creed III had left a rather bad taste in my mouth, but it turned out to be a surprise package. The story-line was quite dull and uninteresting. What got me involved was the amount of content this game offered. The side missions were a joy to play, albeit being repetitive. Exploration was enormous and the naval combat was extremely good. The Templar hunt missions were done neatly. You can go fishing, start hunting, explore random islands for loots, take on Assassination contracts and get your arse kicked by the Legendary ships. There is just so much to do in this game.

There is one thing which I want to highly commend Ubisoft and that is the world which they managed to create for this game. It's absolutely surreal. The visuals are gorgeous. I'm astonished by the amount of detail gone into crafting each key locations and smaller islands. You can see that it's beaming with life. I could literally see crabs running around in bunches when I would make a stop on a random island to loot the uncharted chests. Seagulls flying around, whale leaping out of the water, sea turtles etc. It feel so vivid and lively. This just doesn't apply to the land aspect, but the under-water world is brilliantly crafted as well, which of course comes with it's own set of perils during exploration (Sharks, sting-rays, poisonous Jellyfish and Moray Eel). This is something which I found was a huge step-up from all the previous titles. Last but not the least, the dynamic weather system is made with pure brilliance. Rains and Storms in particular are rendered with absolute perfection.

Anyway, it's nice to see Ubisoft making a decent attempt to keep their franchise alive. However, they have ran out of ideas to deliver a good story. Might as well skip those turd filled Animus/Abstergo sequences and just get on with the core game next time. Thankfully, this game did away with those ridiculous Desmond platforming sequences. Let's see how Assassin's Creed Liberation turns out. I'll probably start the DLCs for this game later, but here are my stats for now.



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Oh absolutely! It was good to see Adéwalé's perspective of things from the time he joined the creed. Going from being quartermaster of Jackdaw and taking charge as a captain of his own ship, not to mention battling against slavery was quite a huge leap for him. Ubisoft and Rockstar are probably 2 of the best companies at making amazing DLC content. I'm really anxious for Unity now.
Oh absolutely! It was good to see Adéwalé's perspective of things from the time he joined the creed. Going from being quartermaster of Jackdaw and taking charge as a captain of his own ship, not to mention battling against slavery was quite a huge leap for him. Ubisoft and Rockstar are probably 2 of the best companies at making amazing DLC content. I'm really anxious for Unity now.
Absolutely. If Unity turns out even a bit like ACII I'll be in love with the series again.
Completed this game about a week back. Thoroughly enjoyed the game. After AC III i was bummed out and didn't even want to play Black Flag. I'm glad I did. Probably the best Ubi game I played after FC3.

The world is amazing and so are the characters and the voice acting. The only time I was hating the game was when I was forced to do the shitty abstergo things. I didn't enjoy those at all.

I have to say this game was rather long and I was really surprised because other AC games aren't this long at all. Took about ~ 50 hours to beat. Also played the Aveline DLC, but skipped Freedom Cry after playing for 2 hours as I didn't like it at all.

Easy 9/10 game. Would recommend to all.
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