Assassin's Creed: Revelations - Discussion Thread

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But I really think they should try some scenarios this time like they did with AC2 which was a huge and much welcome change from AC.

Also more quality required in side missions.
AH! My final game for this month and I'm done. :P

I'll probably start it this weekend itself. Don't feel like jumping onto MW3 right now.
Same here I would be starting off with this from Saturday and then mw3 then saints row 3 and finally skyrim
iam rally happy about the postponed release date gives mee enough time to spend on L.A Noire,Sonic Generation,Skyrim and BF3 MP.
Played the game for an hour the gameplay seems a bit slow cant understand why developers always want the game to start slow but I have high hopes from this game would be starting sequence 2 in some time.
I know I shouldn't be trolling in this thread but guys, some first hand impressions please! :ashamed:

Must. Resist. Buying the console copy. :(
Played the game for 3 hours completed sequence 4.

  • There is no story progression i hardly know what my character is doing Brotherhood story was better as it explained why Ezio is fighting and how they run off from laboratory
  • The start is slow you feel very bored and throwing away the controller.
  • Horses are no where to seen yet.
  • There are just too many things thrown at together the text which comes you hardly get time to read and react.

Some good part :

  • The hook blade is definite improvement to travel across the city.
  • Bombs add tactical approach to the gameplay rather than taking on the Templars.

Overall have been highly disappointed by the game till now Ezio character looks very dull but i heard the story picks up very well in sequence 5 lets hope.
Seems like another over hyped expansion pack for AC2.

Still waiting to play on PS3 at pathetic frame rates.
comp@ddict said:
Cant wait for Assassin's Creed III (thread to be opened)

Sort of opened already -

There wouldn't be another discussion thread for the game.
Params7 said:
There's been so many 10s for Skyrim and Zelda, I think they might just be underrating AC:R a bit to look credible. Still 8 is great.

Yeah, November has seen Uncharted 3, Skyrim and Skyward Sword averaging 9+ everywhere. Anyhow I'll wait for the PC version. Just a fortnight more. Hopefully!
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