CPU/Mobo ASUS P5Q-E 1 long & 3 short beep

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i've been tryin to solve this, for more than 2 weeks......:S

while switchin on.. mobo beeps 1 long & 3 short beeps ... nothin on screen but it boots into OS (heard logon sound in spks)
if i reset again and again for many times it boots correctly (that wont work always also).... once it got booted into OS then no problems at all (no hangs/nothin at all)..... then if restarted again beeping.....

its been 8 months since i made this rig....

Samsung 22" SW2233

tnks in advance !!
check the ram,boot with 1gb,2gb and 3 gb ram and check...one of the ram sticks might have gone kaput...also try to remove the ram closest to the cpu and check..
had it been regular long beeps, then its a ram issue, but from what you mentioned, this seems to be an issue with the display.

remove ur graphic card, clean the PCI-E slot, clean the contact points on your graphic card and set it again. ensure all connections are tight.
mhamirma said:
had it been regular long beeps, then its a ram issue, but from what you mentioned, this seems to be an issue with the display.

remove ur graphic card, clean the PCI-E slot, clean the contact points on your graphic card and set it again. ensure all connections are tight.

i tried all that.. cleaning and all... even i checked with each rams in diff slots too... as i told .. if RAM problem it wont boot to OS... everytime with 1 long & 3 short beep it boots to OS.....but no display// its not RAM for sure.. is it PCI-e slot complaint.... ?

i'll check ma gfx card in someone else PC ....
vishnuvamp said:
i'll check ma gfx card in someone else PC ....

Have you had a chance to try out your Gfx card yet? Is your PC back to normal now?

I ask because my cousin has the exact same thing happening right now - at startup 1 beep then 3 short beeps. Started last Friday, except he can't get anything on the monitor at all even after trying the repeated restarts as you mentioned. He's tried everything listed in the fixes like RAM, Clear CMOS and battery, reseating the v.card, but nothing helps. Problem is he has no access to another Gfx Card and I live several states away.

Also everything was running fine before this happened.

His setup:

Q9400 (Scythe Mugen-2 CPU Cooler)
G.Skill DDR2 1100 (PC2 8800) 4GB (2x2GB)
HIS ATI Radeon 4850
Samsung 19"
Corsair 750W PSU
1 RaptorX 150GB HDD, 2x 640GB HDD storage (DriveXpert mode).
Antec 300 Case

Any input would be great.

@ Carerra 4S :

yeah !! da problem is with da GPU. I gave mine for warranty.

this beep code means : " no VGA detected "

try changing ur gfx card !!
vishnuvamp said:
@ Carerra 4S :

yeah !! da problem is with da GPU. I gave mine for warranty.

this beep code means : " no VGA detected "

try changing ur gfx card !!

Yes, my cousin tried an old EVGA 7600GT and the PC booted up no problem - no more 3 beeps!!! :hap2:

So, it was the 4850 that caused the errors. His is still under warranty so it will go to manufacturer.

Thanks for the advice!!!!!!!
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