sleep 15
cd /tmp/var/tmp
tar -zxvf /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1
insmod jbd.ko
insmod mbcache.ko
insmod ext3.ko
rm /tmp/var/tmp/*.ko
sleep 10
mount -t ext3 -o noatime,nodiratime /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part2 /opt
mount -t ext3 -o noatime,nodiratime /dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/part2 /mnt
echo "nobody:*:65000:65000:nobody:/mnt:/bin/false" >> /etc/passwd # Add nobody for samba share
echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0/allow_restart # To avoid HDD spindown
EXT3="YES";EXT3P="part3";EXT32="YES";EXT3P2="part2";mkdir /tmp/etc/config
echo "tar -zxvf /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 -C /tmp/root" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
if [ "$EXT3" == "YES" ]; then echo "sh /tmp/root/ext3" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup; fi
if [ "$EXT32" == "YES" ]; then echo "sh /tmp/root/ext3" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup; fi
echo "mount -o rw -t ext3 /dev/discs/disc0/$EXT3P /opt" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
echo "mount -o rw -t ext3 /dev/discs/disc0/$EXT3P2 /mnt" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
echo "rm /tmp/root/*.ko /tmp/root/fs.gz /tmp/root/ext3" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
chmod +x /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
sh /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
echo "nobody:*:65000:65000:nobody:/mnt:/bin/false" >> /etc/passwd
sleep 60
echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0/allow_restart
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -d --dport 50000 -j logaccept
/opt/bin/transmission-daemon -g /mnt/data/torrents/.config/transmission-daemon
mkdir /tmp/etc/config
echo "tar -zxvf /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 -C /tmp/root" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
echo "sh /tmp/root/ext3" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
echo "mount -o rw -t ext3 /dev/discs/disc0/part1 /opt" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
echo "mount -o rw -t ext3 /dev/discs/disc0/part2 /mnt" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
echo "rm /tmp/root/*.ko /tmp/root/fs.gz /tmp/root/ext3" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
chmod +x /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
sh /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
echo "nobody:*:65000:65000:nobody:/mnt:/bin/false" >> /etc/passwd
sleep 60
echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0/allow_restart
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -d --dport 50000 -j logaccept
/opt/bin/transmission-daemon -g /mnt/data/torrents/.config/transmission-daemon
mkdir /tmp/etc/config #Create a dir /tmp/etc/config
echo "wget [url][/url] -P /tmp/root" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup #Get the tar file which has FS drivers and store in /tmp/root
echo "tar -xvzf /tmp/root/fs.gz -C /tmp/root" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup #Build a shell script by appending to output using >> , command to extract the tar file.
echo "sh /tmp/root/ext3" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup #Add ext3 to run it
echo "mount -o rw -t ext3 /dev/discs/disc0/part1 /opt" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup #Add mount to 1st partition
echo "mount -o rw -t ext3 /dev/discs/disc0/part2 /mnt" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup #Add mount to 2nd partition
echo "rm /tmp/root/*.ko /tmp/root/fs.gz /tmp/root/ext3" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup #Clean up the traces
chmod +x /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup # Provide Exec permissions and run the above commands
sh /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
echo "nobody:*:65000:65000:nobody:/mnt:/bin/false" >> /etc/passwd # Add nobody for samba share
sleep 60 # Wait for 1 minute
echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0/allow_restart # To avoid HDD spindown
wget [url][/url] -O /mnt/data/torrents/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json # Get the settings.json from internet just in case local file gets corrupted can you remove this if u dont want
/opt/bin/transmission-daemon -g /mnt/data/torrents/.config/transmission-daemon #Start Transmission - Can remove this if you keep S99trans file keep either of them.
mkdir /tmp/etc/config #Create a dir /tmp/etc/config
echo "wget [url][/url] -P /tmp/root" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup #Get the tar file which has FS drivers and store in /tmp/root
echo "tar -xvzf /tmp/root/fs.gz -C /tmp/root" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup #Build a shell script by appending to output using >> , command to extract the tar file.
echo "sh /tmp/root/ext3" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup #Add ext3 to run it
echo "mount -o rw -t ext3 /dev/discs/disc0/part1 /opt" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup #Add mount to 1st partition
echo "mount -o rw -t ext3 /dev/discs/disc0/part2 /mnt" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup #Add mount to 2nd partition
echo "rm /tmp/root/*.ko /tmp/root/fs.gz /tmp/root/ext3" >> /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup #Clean up the traces
chmod +x /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup # Provide Exec permissions and run the above commands
sh /tmp/etc/config/fs.wanup
echo "nobody:*:65000:65000:nobody:/mnt:/bin/false" >> /etc/passwd # Add nobody for samba share
sleep 60 # Wait for 1 minute
echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0/allow_restart # To avoid HDD spindown
wget [url][/url] -O /mnt/data/torrents/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json # Get the settings.json from internet just in case local file gets corrupted can you remove this if u dont want
/opt/bin/transmission-daemon -g /mnt/data/torrents/.config/transmission-daemon #Start Transmission - Can remove this if you keep S99trans file keep either of them.