Graphic Cards Ati 1900xtx

That looks pretty okay to me considering you have a prescott... Its just a badly coded game thats all :p. Try reducing detail once it starts framing.
Yea ill do that, I need your advice regarding my cpu, I was thinking of upgrading to intelCD, would it be silly to compare a 3.0dc with a 3.2CD? would you recommend me to get the CD/E6600 or should i wait for the release E6700? Btw in Singapore we just got the E6600 the E6700 ain't out yet.

And in regards to the motherboard which would you recommend in the MSI catogery the MSI 965 powerup or the 975x powerup? im not sure if im right about the exect product names but i guess its like that! what are your advices?
^^Asus P5B Deluxe or P5WS64 or Abit AW9D-Max mobo and an E6600 will do good. You can always overclock the E6600 to over 3GHz. Get good RAM too... a 2GIG 4-4-4 DDR2 800 kit is nice hehe.
Chaos said:
^^COH is okay... it needs 2gigs thats all. Extraction Point is not made by monolith. Its by TimeGate studios which probably explains why it has poor performance compared to FEAR. I had horrid issues with Juarez... fps dropped into the teens at times :|.

how come that Call of Juarez fps is dropping for you. :huh: I selected the best quality settings and 1680x1050 resolution and its smooth as butter. The FPS rarely dropped bellow 60.
lord_nemesis said:
how come that Call of Juarez fps is dropping for you. :huh: I selected the best quality settings and 1680x1050 resolution and its smooth as butter. The FPS rarely dropped bellow 60.

Do you have HDR and SM3 enabled? Without HDR its pretty smooth.
Extraction Point is a b**ch when it comes to hardware requirements.Some obvious slowdowns @ 1152x864 with 4XAA/AF enabled on a 7900GT@550/1520, original FEAR was silky smooth at the same setting.
hi deathvirus_me, I guess you rite about the OC. never really tried it coz im afraid it might overhead. do i need to get an air cooler/liquid cooler or should i just tweak the stock fan to a higher rpm. thanx

Proper air circulation can alone ensure CPU load temps to be stuck to around 50c ... i have a friend running a 3.0 GHz processor at 3.6 GHz on air , with load temps reaching max upto 52c , which is quite ok for a prescott ...
Radeon said:
To run FEAR flawlessly well at all maxed, you need Multi-GPU solution. Or else turn down the Physics down to minimum and almost all settings at medium.

err I dont agree...he has an 1900xtx for gods sake..

Its the ram Im sure n the proccy too...

Again FEAR is badly coded...1800XT 2gb ram n opty170 with everyth maxed out softshadows disabled.1280*960 runs well...though there r rare moments of stutter coz the game isnt well coded.

XTX shud b able to run all maxed at that setting...mind u there r moments when it will lag coz the game has flaws.

Edit: Oops I havnt played Extraction point...
To run FEAR flawlessly well at all maxed, you need Multi-GPU solution. Or else turn down the Physics down to minimum and almost all settings at medium.

Look at my config. .. i play at 1280*960 , 4x AA , 16x AF , maxed settings ... i get an min. 35 , avg. 78 and max 147 fps ..... hardly any slowdowns at any stage , except a few particular places (well memorised) ....
Nikhil said:
your RAM could be the culprit. 1 GB is quite less.

And the proccy too..... Intel Pentium Ds suck at gaming

Funny you should say that... Since I'm using the pentium d wala rig at office, find it's quite smooth even at stock (the 4800+ is better though :p but then ya knew that naa?)
I say its a memory problem...Plus smithfields tend to get very hot, that could cause lag after some time. In case u have a presler this shouldn't trouble you..
stormblast said:
am playing the game on on 1680 x 1050 @ 2xfsaa & 8xaa with soft shadows on. works without any problem. am on 1gb ram.

you know stormy I feel heating up of certain components can play a big role. FEAR is one of the most difficult games to benchy too. I got different scores on the same config, the only difference being I actually played the game for awhile before taking the second benchy.

Using my 7900GTX, I got close to 150 fps @ 1024x768, after some 4-5 hours of gaming, I got 98 fps. Now the card temps were reading 68 degrees which definitely isn't the problem.. I was and am as stumped as this guy posting the query.

But framing certainly shouldn't occur whether its a 7900GTX or X1900XTX or a Pentium D or an X2... I haven't had framing problems on any of my PC's while playing FEAR.
One thing that you haven't mentioned in your config, is the kind of PSU you are using. (however, if the system does boot up and the game starts with the current PSU on a X1900XTX it should be at least some decent PSU)
I just felt kinda cheated really, spent a bomb (S$3700/-)7months ago for my rig

and still can't enjoy a maxed out game. Back then the highest was a pentium DC3.0 guess its time for an upgrade.