Audiophile 2496 coming soon :P

Installed the card last night, awesome sound for music playback, haven't tested running/recording guitar through it but horrible quality in games LOL... gonna need an X-fi soon :p
^ youre kidding me. The card sounds amazing overall in everything. Its just that it eats the cpu for lunch if you enable 3D surround in gaming. Else it sounds awesome even while gaming.
^^What he means is that most games don't have positioning cos of the lack of EAX. My Audiophile sounds find in games though... but yeah that issue is there since it doesn't even support software EAX2 in drivers :p.
What positioning? Stereo playback doesn't need any fancy processing, at least not unless the audio engine is complete crap :p And most games have Miles 3D audio if you need more processing :D
I played around for about an hour with the Audiophile 2496 and my Mercury speakers and the card is brilliant during music playback, but it sounded bad in Quake 3. It does not have EAX so that's one reason, the other could be because I need to tweak settings in the M-Audio control panel.

I may have jumped the gun when I said it was shitty during gaming, Chaos tried his M-Audio today and it sounded fairly good - so I'm going to give this another shot tomorrow when I've figured out the advanced settings.
i'm interested in the DX4 as well... just wondering, you can connect the bookshelves directly to ur 2496 card? via RCA jacks?

how's the sound quality? coz i've never quite dabbled with pairing bookshelves with high end sound cards, but thinking of doing so now as i'm building a HTPC
You need active speakers to connect to the card. Else you'll have to connect the card to an amp. The audiophile is a wrong card for HTPC though cos its only stereo unless u use digital out. In terms of sound quality, its great for what you pay for but a little low on bass and also a could do with more tighter bass. If you want stereo playback, the best option is to get a cheap card like a chaintech AV710 and an external DAC like the zhaolu or other chinese made ones. For recording, you'd need a better card.
Chaos said:
You need active speakers to connect to the card. Else you'll have to connect the card to an amp. The audiophile is a wrong card for HTPC though cos its only stereo unless u use digital out. In terms of sound quality, its great for what you pay for but a little low on bass and also a could do with more tighter bass. If you want stereo playback, the best option is to get a cheap card like a chaintech AV710 and an external DAC like the zhaolu or other chinese made ones. For recording, you'd need a better card.

thanks bro.

i saw in one of the old threads that u were getting a zhaolu. any luck in that?
burnz said:
thanks bro.
i saw in one of the old threads that u were getting a zhaolu. any luck in that?

Its still outta stock... Will be available from saturday it seems. Look here

Untitled Document

The guy who runs the site (Eddie Wu) ships internationally. Its around 70$ for shipping to india from hk though :(.