any recommendations: desktop amp (inbuilt DAC is not necessary).
Currently using Fiio q1Mk2 with HD598SE
Plan to use Q1 for DAC duties or the CCA or SPS DAC 3.
And plan is to add few more headphones, nothing specific shorlisted, it will be a mix of closed back & planar.
Budget : $200 can extend if necessary (actually thinking of getting an schiit Jotunheim without a DAC module, there are couple of closeouts available)
First decide on the headphones. There are plenty of fantastic desktop amps, but everything depends on your cans
If you buy a planar and tubes, it will be waste of money.
What kind of sound do you prefer? If you like the HD598, you will love HD560s, specially paired with tubes.
But it will sound over analytical with any THX amplifier.
One humble suggestion..if you're thinking about hifiman cans, try to audition 400i, Deva, Sundara...before buying Sundara. They all sound pretty much same out of most budget desktop amps and Deva is more comfortable for most people. I was driving them all with a pretty powerful A90/D90 combo (way more powerful and clean sounding than most Schiit/ ifi stacks)
It's Ananda, in which you will notice some improvement. I have/ had all of them, got rid of the Sundara for Ananda ( just yesterday) and the improvement is about 20 percent with an amp DAC set up close to 750/800 EUR.
Every audio equipment is much more expensive in India ( checked headphonezone and they have the audacity to list something like Topping A90 for 50K INR, DT770/990/880 for 12-15K!! Some old VModa cans for more than 20K, even Moondrop Starfield for more than 10K...thought EU is bad for audiophiles, but compared to's heaven!!)
Please don't waste your money on these grossly overpriced gears. Simply not worth it.
I'm in this hobby long enough and own enough headphones/ IEMs to understand the economic aspect.
I was searching Amazon India, headphonezone and some other Indian audio website to find something decent at reasonable price. Could only find 3/4 items.
1. HD25 @ Amazon... fantastic deal for 8.5k
2. K712 Pro for less than 20k
3. HD560S for 18-19k
Every other decent headphones I have/ had costs at least 20-100 percent more presently and headphonezone is the worst offender (specially their description are real cringe)
I got my xDuoo MT-602 a couple of days ago, and it's a pretty fantastic amp for the price (99usd/8500inr). Couldn't be happier, and now I can boost bass as much As I want

But since you have a higher budget, you could also take a look at the MT-604, which is also splendidly reviewed across the board. It costs 170usd/1500inr I think. I'm feeding my 602 via the Tempotec Sonata HD Pro (sounded better than powering it through Apple USB C Dongle) if that matters, and I guess a better DAC would benefit it more but I think the next upgrade will be a set of cans a couple of years down the line. I'm fully satisfied with my current setup (Sonata -> MT-602 -> HE400i).
But who knows
Never tried the MT602, is it a hybrid amp? Must be...great set up ( best part is the decent pricing of the components) Smart audiophile!!
I've never used the Sonata dongle, but the Apple dongle is very clean. Are you matching the volume levels accurately?
I used the Apple dongle with Sprout 100 and the results are practically same ( Sprout is basically a small AIO solution for speakers with a very powerful headphone out..though unbalanced)
You're already after next upgrade!!?? Enjoy your fantastic setup man!!
BTW, next logical upgrade can be a different sounding headphones, preferably a non planar. Or a different kind of Planar maybe?
I got my xDuoo MT-602 a couple of days ago, and it's a pretty fantastic amp for the price (99usd/8500inr). Couldn't be happier, and now I can boost bass as much As I want

But since you have a higher budget, you could also take a look at the MT-604, which is also splendidly reviewed across the board. It costs 170usd/1500inr I think. I'm feeding my 602 via the Tempotec Sonata HD Pro (sounded better than powering it through Apple USB C Dongle) if that matters, and I guess a better DAC would benefit it more but I think the next upgrade will be a set of cans a couple of years down the line. I'm fully satisfied with my current setup (Sonata -> MT-602 -> HE400i).
But who knows
Never tried the MT602, is it a hybrid amp? Must be...great set up ( best part is the decent pricing of the components) Smart audiophile!!
I've never used the Sonata dongle, but the Apple dongle is very clean. Are you matching the volume levels accurately?
I used the Apple dongle with Sprout 100 and the results are practically same ( Sprout is basically a small AIO solution for speakers with a very powerful headphone out..though unbalanced)
You're already after next upgrade!!?? Enjoy your fantastic setup man!!
BTW, next logical upgrade can be a different sounding headphones, preferably a non planar. Or a different kind of Planar maybe?