Bad Company II : Initial Impressions

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Just finished playing first few levels of Bad Company II and here are my initial impressions. Firstly its nowhere in the league of MW2 gameplay wise. I mean the rush you get playing MW2 is nowhere near what you will get in this game. MW2 is a more polished game when it comes to gameplay as compared to this but what this game does have which MW2 does not which is the sense of scale and graphics. I mean this game literally competes with Crysis graphics wise but it doesn't tax your system like Crysis. I ran the game on my rig which is a C2D 8400 + 2GB DDR 800 + 4870 512MB and i could easily play the game at 1900x1200 without any fps drops.

Also you can finish the task in multiple ways just like Farcry/Crysis. Atleast thats what i understood in the first 30 minutes of my gaming. Its a refreshing war shooter and is different from the COD series. The guns though sound nice does not pack the same punch as one would have desired. I will keep adding my thoughts as i proceed in the game but my initial impression says that i will keep hooked on to the game for next few days or atleast till something better comes along.

The game's story is pretty mediocre as pointed by some of the popular gaming sites reviews and is not the best part of the game but what is the dynamic environment. Unlike the COD series the where if you hid behind a wooden cart you wont get shot, this game has the dynamic environment which is destruct-able. If you will hide behind a concrete wall long enough to take cover then the enemies will shoot it down to blow your cover. Everything from trees to houses to even sand bags specially made for covers are destructible with a high power weapon.

All in all i would advise all you gamers to get your copy asap cause even though the game scores maybe 8/10 but is a must play just like the Bioshock 2.
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It took be about 7 to 8 hrs to complete the starting makes you think its a shitty console port but later you'll feel it kicks the hell out of mw2 it has every thing mw2 needed:)
I am more interested to hear about the Multiplayer aspect of this game. Also, do you think people in India will buy this game? I would love to buy this game, but it's no use if I don't find anyone to play online with.
^Exactly! I was a big fan of BF2 (possibly have the best MP stats among indians :P) Hopefully that feel of BF2 should be carried forward !

Praashant? Please, please send me the copy asap :cry:
Thanks for preview, Switch! I was still making up my mind whether to pre order or not even though i played the beta and liked it a lot. Maybe i should just pull the trigger! :)

Btw, has performance increased? Coz when i played the beta , it was a lil sluggish on a i5-750 + GTX 260 at 1680X1050.
Heard that the game crawls on C2D processors , as i have C2D and GTS 250
I have read sum where that the frostbite engine on which the Battlefield bad company 2 runs is optimized for quad cores....
Waiting for the pc multiplayer review once it is released. Surely not worth buying for just the Singleplayer. Loved MW2 MP. This i guess will be totally different with its large map and more team work gameplay. But at Rs. 875 i think i will buy it from Prashant.
BIOSHOCK 2 is hardly a must buy. Its like you played the 1st , you played em all. My 2 cents anyways.

This is the 1st time BF has even got a worthy SP campaign with a semblance of a story line.

The mainstay will always be MP ! So lets get on the battlefield !

And yes ! Many indians have bot it. Most prolly Gamerzone will set up an indian server as well ! The biggest plus point over MW2 - DEDICATED SERVERs :D !!!
Played a few levels of this game... Awesome game......... Graphics wise far better than crysis (Because is not taxing on the systems as crysis is). oh, and everything is destructible. Take cover behind a wall and it will be blown away by the enemmies.

The 4 characters have humorous dialgues amongst em. I think the game is very processor dependant. On my rig I can easily cross 60 fps with everything at max and 4xAA and 16x AF. But as soon as there is some action on the screen the fps would dip to mid 30s and very rarely to 16 17 even......

Also, I dont know why but I find aiming in this game to be laggy. Even at 45 FPS the game sometimes feels like 25. And thats when I am using a 5600DPI mouse.... logitech G500....

But overall an awesome game. When I play fps, I prefer killing humans and not monsters. Since I got my rig in June or july, I think this is like 5th or 6th game that I have found entertaining. Rest are just console ports (Wolverine, Rise of the argonauts, dark void, etc. Not bad games, but not utilizing my system H/W enough)........ Now I think would be the time to overclock my processor..... Time to buy a cooler......

Please buy this game and lets meet in the battlefield.............ciao/......
^^ Ahh, why bother Spin-Dee :) .. here they don't run it on tight leash , its all cool to post screens and reviews before release.
I have the ahem version rright now, but will buy it as soon as its available here. I saw it cheapest on
How many people bought it on Steam? I know 4 people who did. Would be nice to know who else so we can squad up tomorrow morning or at least play in the same team. :)
i jus played about an hour of it.... i dont know how much of an impact DX11 makes but it looks great :) cant complain. Game play is similar to MW lets see how it progresses :)
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