Bad Company II : Initial Impressions

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My take on this...

I've played for about 2hrs or so, in the Bolivian Forest Mission. The game play is really good, if not intense but it lacks the satisfaction and oomph of MW2. The guns pack quite a punch rather exceeding the almighty MW2.

Animations, bah!. Common when u die u just tilt left and die in a standing position? this is supposed to be a AAA title and this is all they could do? The jumping and sprinting lack the smoothness they should have. Apart from that the NPC death animations are pretty decent.

One of the strongest point of the game is Graphics, and the vastness of every terrain. But what i dont get is for a title thats been in development for so long how hard would it be to make the Bad Company a little soaked when they are in the rain? Its the little things....

Will comment as i progress.
i think the graphics and gameplay of bad company 2 kicks the shit out of modern warfare 2. but yeah, the story mode is lacking. can't wait to buy the game for the multiplayer!

about the sound.... out of all the fps's i've played, i think these are the BEST sound effects i've ever heard in a shooting game, from firing a gun to explosions and even the ambiance. i felt the same about bad company 1's sound and this game has taken it to a new level. try using nice bass'y headphones.
Stop posting good things about the game untill i get my copy shipped from prashaant !


Btw all join steam groups : Battlefield Bad company 2 India
! 0 t A said:
Stop posting good things about the game untill i get my copy shipped from prashaant !


Btw all join steam groups : Battlefield Bad company 2 India

lol am new to this, how do i join a steam group...?

nvm found it

From official DICE forums [Until the patch comes out ] :

To help speed up your server browsing these tips can help you get results quicker.

Use Favourites/History when possible

If you use the server browser then

Use the server browser

When it starts to search click CANCEL

Select the options:


Not Full

Not Empty

No Password

Leave Punkbuster checked

Hit Refresh

You can use your friends list in game to connect on them without accessing the server browser.

Follow this on :

They know the issues and thank god are working on it :|
In short, do what every sane multiplayer gamer has been doing since the Quake days. Use filters noobs!

Querying each and every server worldwide is quite a task for any master server, and having to do it for thousands of users at the same time and deliver a different set of results to each one will bring any less-than-rocksteady setup to a standstill.
If I can play Crysis and GTA4 on my system, will this game run too? It's a multiplayer so I will need much better performance.
saumilsingh said:
In short, do what every sane multiplayer gamer has been doing since the Quake days. Use filters noobs!

Querying each and every server worldwide is quite a task for any master server, and having to do it for thousands of users at the same time and deliver a different set of results to each one will bring any less-than-rocksteady setup to a standstill.

you realize that it's a design flaw when the game itself initiates a global server search before you can even apply filters right? what should have been the case is that we open the server browser, apply the filters and then begin the search. this basic concept was missed by the baboon who designed the multiplayer ui.

and yea, even using filters, there are loads of problems with the server browser. the favorites list doesn't work correctly. the history don't work correctly. the friends list doesn't work correctly. the master server where every player authenticates doesn't work correctly. amateur grade work right there.
^ Well, what can you do but cancel the search real quick.

Even Steam which I consider to be the best multiplayer platform out there has this flaw.
It's become pretty much normal practice for me to have to re-configure my filters everytime I select a different game from the Servers window. Otherwise away it goes, querying every single server out there.
BFBC2 lacks in Story Line only :(, apart from that, it beats the Sh!t outta MW2 ! Coz in MW2 the Game wasnt that much of a WAR scenario more over the GUN sounds SUXED arse :@ the graphics didn woo me much, but MW2 was worth its HYPE :)

InBFBC2 the Gameplay is uber cool, Vocie over is KICK ARSE, Graphics it makes CRYSIS a Predecessor :P ( IMO ) & not to mention the War footages real time gun & weapon sounds
this games should be played on 5.1 HT it pawns all the FPS game :D.................................................................... IMO !
Any1 know how to start in game voice chat, i put the other player in my squad but none of us could hear each other even after using push to talk?

And how many players here are playing bc2 multiplayer? whats every1's level? reached level 7, Assault
i use steam voice com with friends. better than in game voice chat, especially if there is someone else in your squad. plus you get to talk in hindi and excercise it's rich vocabulary ;)

i'm rank 14 right now. not sticking to one class though... i play all classes, depending on mood or the squads requirement.
spindoctor said:
i use steam voice com with friends. better than in game voice chat, especially if there is someone else in your squad. plus you get to talk in hindi and excercise it's rich vocabulary ;)

i'm rank 14 right now. not sticking to one class though... i play all classes, depending on mood or the squads requirement.

when i use steam voce i cant hear the in game sounds, when i cancel or put the chat on hold then the sounds back up again. u dont have this problem?
Smith_shah said:
when i use steam voce i cant hear the in game sounds, when i cancel or put the chat on hold then the sounds back up again. u dont have this problem?

nope. if anything i have the opposite problem... sometimes it's hard to hear what friends are saying over voice com when there are explosions happening around me in game.
here more screenshot and awesome mind blowing :)














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