bajaj "anti car"

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Well it doesn't look that bad. Maybe if it was a little wider it would look a lot better.....
I don't think this vehicle will work out as a replacement to autos. The HOHO (hop on, hop off) nature of the auto-rickshaw and it's versatility(easily maneuverable, repairable, ability to carry people, luggage, long items like rods etc. vertically held from the passenger side) cannot be easily replaced by a car.

I wonder if this vehicle will be classified as a 4 seater or a 5 seater. In my opinion, it probably cannot seat even 4 people comfortably.

I think that this vehicle may truly be available close to 1L on road given the cost cutting that is glaringly evident starting with the puny 200cc engine. Anyway, given the mentality of the indian auto-rickshaw or taxi driver, I think all they should drive are 200cc vehicles. Now if we could just do something about all bikers.....:devil2:.
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