Battlefield 2 clan of indians

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Awesome, I've recently re-started playing Battlefield 2, all this time, i only played on Non-Ranked servers (I bought the game Oct 05 btw), so don't got a good rank but whatever :)

my id is raj14, i usually play on UKAW Servers (UKAW Community) you can get my YIM id from my profile then we can work something out :)

i will most certainly check out the BCS BF2 server, hope i see you guys there :D
I know this is a bump from the grave but I am wondering if someone still has this game installed and wouldnt mind helping me a bit.

I am thinking of buying the complete set of BF2 games (the one with all the expansions) but I am not too sure if people are still playing this online.

So if anyone still plays this or has this installed, can you please check and see if there are some servers with decent pings and is it easy to get a game nowadays?

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