Thanks Aman & DD
However my local cablewala if i go to him to explain latency issues, it would be like Bouncer to him.
Try it once! He might know more than you think he knows

Thanks Aman & DD
However my local cablewala if i go to him to explain latency issues, it would be like Bouncer to him.
When i told him not getting decent pings his asked me back "aap download nahin kar paa rahe kya?"
When i told him not getting decent pings his asked me back "aap download nahin kar paa rahe kya?"
Guys, has anyone else come across a bug in the battle report where your name doesn't show in the list of players?
Hello All,
Need some advice on BF3
Currently I am playing Metro Conquest almost all the time, I really like it
I only played other maps in TDM mode, so only know little about other maps
Also I dont drive vehicles, at all, zero kills from them, even tanks!!!
When I recently I tried Conquest OP Firestrom, and got owned pretty badly(0-10 score), frustrated I quit the game in between
So I wanted to know, from which vehicles I can start in large maps, tanks, IFVS, Jets.I tried my hand at Heli in empty servers and have learned to fly it soundly
Any tips would be great, it would be great if someone pairs up with me on weekends to help me out in heli or tanks, I have got mic(finally) so we communicate as well
Thank you
Nice playin with everyone last night, good to see so many people actually showing up:bigok:
head-on it's difficult unless the tank guy is a poor shot or he is laser designated and the IFV has guided missile.Thank you all for your advices, I will take up tanks first then, one more question does an IFV can blow up a tank?
I think it doesnt solely depend upon low or high level player, it also depends how much you have participated in team work, and in BF3 recon usually has no that much work
I play metro all the time, if my team, takes all the flags and pushes forward, even if I have a K/D of 3-2 for that round, I have not actually helped them in capturing, I am standing far sniping other enemies which are usually not a imminent threat to my team, AND AS RECON YOU CANNOT MOVE WITH YOUR TEAM AS AN ASSAULT OR SUPPORT does BECAUSE YOU WILL be killed easily, so the base line is, if you play recon, you get high K/D but as you dont participate in team work that much your skill decreases