No, skill level has nothing to do with team work. Its based purely on your one-on-one encounter with each opponent that you trade bullets with. Its mentioned in a sticky on the bf3 forums by an official Dice representative :
Counting the skill l - Forums - Battlelog / Battlefield 3
As for team-work, that's subjective. As recon, I move around the edges of the map to get close to the mcoms/enemy objectives and plant beacons there so my squad spawns as close to the them as possible. Saves a lot of time, especially in rush. Once we're at the mcom/obj I plant the TUGS so everyone can see where the enemies are attacking from. And not to mention the soflam, when enemy vehicles are dominating the map. On a personal level, me and one of my friends when playing move to each objective together. We maintain a distance and he rushes ahead while I stay back and cover him and spot for him. Once he's cleared the area I move over there and he moves on to the next one. So recons definitely have a part to play in the team. That said, skill level is used for match-making on battlelog where players with similar skill ratings are matched up. So if team-work is considered as a criteria for skill points and recons score low on that count, that would mean all the high skill point match ups would not have a single recon in the game, which is highly improbable. I don't think EA or Dice would ignore one of the four classes like that

---------- Post added at 03:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:41 AM ----------
Also about the getting killed easily at close range as Recon part, I don't know if you have it already but if you don't then play the co-op missions and unlock the 93R pistol. You won't die that easily then. It's as good as the Kh2002 but for close range, best pistol in the game. One of my top 5 weapons (as per stats)